The Function of WordPress Plugins

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The function of WordPress has opened up endless possibilities recently, taking it to a new level no longer limited to a blog site. With a huge range of WordPress plugins already available, and many more being added constantly, website owners can put up custom designed pages in a few minutes with a little help.

WordPress plugins are scripts developed by various programmers to give users more options for their blog pages and to enhance the site functionality – not only limited to a blog. For example, a WordPress plugin can be used to turn your site to a classified site, review site, photo gallery site, news site, online shopping site, membership site and many more. (Read more : How to use WordPress to build your website)

While many people set up WordPress blog pages to share personal and social stories, blogging has become an essential part of the marketing and promotion sector. With an externally hosted website, WordPress users can include advertising links or Adsense, and promote affiliate products. WordPress plugins provide excellent tools for customizing these types of sites, with add-ons in a wide range of categories including:

  • Adsense management
  • Search engine optimization
  • User restrictions and password options
  • Visitor and click statistics
  • Search boxes
  • Tracking tools
  • Social bookmark tags
  • Auto-post tools
  • Subscriber Management

Since there are a large variety of WordPress plugins to suit all sorts of users, the level of expertise required to install some of these varies. You’ll need an understanding of FTP, and Zip files, and some knowledge of HTML and PHP script. More advanced website owners can even develop their own plugins. A degree of PHP programming is required, and some WordPress plugins also use Javascript or CHMOD to function properly.

A note about and

Although these two sites sound the same, the services offered by each one are different and this often causes confusion for people. The difference lies mainly in the hosting side of things. While a free WordPress blog will be hosted on, the themes and templates are limited and users are not allowed to include advertising or affiliate links. on the other hand provides the software to build your WordPress site, so it requires you to have your own domain and hosting in place, but is a much better option for advertising and marketing purposes and flexibility, and this is where the WordPress plugins come into the equation.

Self-hosting website owners can make light work of designing their sites with WordPress plugins, creating unique personalized pages to attract their visitors.

WordPress are proving to be extremely popular CMS platform for externally hosted websites, so having the ability to add more features makes the WordPress plugins a very handy source of free programming.

I will discuss more about WordPress Plugins you must have in the next posts. Subscribe via RSS Feed to get updated with a new post.