The Affiliate Marketing Mindset

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I do SEO for clients and also have a variety of affiliate sites and Clickbank products. I was making a really good income before the panda slap, but I’m currently in the phase of rebuilding after Google sent a big panda and kung fu’ed a large portion of my profits. So why am I being so honest about my online income? Because I’m going to tell you something that you need to know if you want to succeed online. I’m going to talk to you today about one of the MOST IMPORTANT things when it comes to online marketing success.

This has nothing to do with traffic.

This has nothing to do with conversions.

This has nothing to do with keyword research.

But this has everything to do with whether or not you’re going to make money online… or you’re just going to go through the endless cycle of buying crappy “make money online” products that claim to teach you how to make a full time income within 30 days.

So what am I talking about?

I’m talking about your mindset.

The way you think dictates your actions, which in turn affects directly what you do and when you do it. So what does this have to do with affiliate marketing you ask?


I remember my first conversation with my mentor, Mark. I was so excited that I was able to get him on SKYPE and not only that, he actually responded, so that’s why I clearly remembered what he told me.affiliate-marketing

It went something like this:

Me: “What do you think is the most important thing to know about online marketing success? Conversions? Traffic? Affiliates? Tell me what methods I need to do in order to make big bucks online FAST”

Mark: “your mindset”.

Me: “…what?” (I was thinking, I don’t want some bogus Star Wars Yoda talk where he talks about “you do or do not, there is no try”, give me real methods that I can implement right now).

Mark: “the way you think affects whether or not you will succeed online”.

Me: “what?” (I was thinking, oh great, Mark’s going to go all theoretical on me and preach to me about some airy fairy concept that really isn’t going to help me much).

But guess what.

He was absolutely 100% right!

You might be thinking “why is Jackson telling me that his websites were smashed by Google”? The reason why I am telling you is this. The only reason that I was able to make an online empire in the first place was the way that I thought.I treated internet marketing like it was something that I’d succeed at. Or I’d die trying. And since I don’t plan to die any time soon, I’m going to try for a long time to make sure it works.

That’s why I was able to complete my first affiliate site within 4 weeks of taking Mark Ling’s course, when the entire course was structured for 13 weeks and at the time of completion there were STILL people in the forums asking “how do I decide what market I should enter”?

I didn’t say to myself “oh well, the course goes for 13 weeks, I should be a good student if I finished it in 13 weeks”… No, my mindset did not allow for that.

It was the way that I thought, that allowed me to rank for “forex broker”, “tarot reading”, “spyware blockers”, “registry cleaners” and “flight simulator” (prior to the panda slap) to be on my way to make a 6 figure income online at the time.

I didn’t say to myself “oh no, these markets are too hard to compete in, I should give up”… No, my mindset did not allow for that.

So do you think I’m going to let a little panda slap stop me from rebuilding my online empire? I think not! Now if you’re sick of reading about me, let me show you examples of other people who have succeeded. If you have ever spoken to Matt Carter (the owner of this blog), you’ll realize that he was able to get tremendous success online within a short period of time.

The way you THINK allows you to implement a step by step plan that results in taking proactive and positive action to build online websites that would in turn generate passive income. Your thought patterns force you to become problem solvers and get around issues that would have normally been “way too hard” to deal for the average person.

Let me put it to you another way. People who succeed online follow this thought pattern:

Overriding thought – I’m going to succeed at online marketing and I’ll die trying. So if they ever encounter a problem, they’ll actively go and “Google” the solution, go to “YouTube” the answer through a video tutorial or pay someone to fix it by hiring workers on or

They are PROACTIVE at solving problems.

People who don’t succeed online follow this thought pattern:

Overriding thought – Let’s see if this works, and if not I’ll get a refund. So if they encounter a problem most of the time they’ll just think to themselves “oh this is too hard” and “I’m not qualified” then stop trying. Sometimes, they will go to forums, but instead of searching for solutions, they’ll go to forums complaining about a problem. After that, they’ll use their mind to justify their failure.

They are REACTIVE to problems.

What’s worse is that these people who fail, use their most powerful tool, their minds to make up excuses as to why it was perfectly acceptable for them to fail.

The only difference between these two kinds of people is the way they think. Your mindset, as I mentioned before (which Mark informed me a long time ag), affects the way you act and ultimately decides whether or not you’ll succeed online. So let me ask you this question.

How do you think about affiliate marketing?