Search engine optimization services (SEO) | Content marketing agency

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Search engine optimization services (SEO) |  Content marketing agency

Improve SEO results

We will carefully research your competitors, market share and keyword opportunities to improve your organic search visibility and keyword ranking.

A building with a foundation of columns

Lay a strong foundation

Website technical audits and ongoing keyword research help your company build a solid foundation for generating results with content marketing. Without these basic steps, you risk putting up barriers that prevent you from appearing for the terms your leads are actually searching for.

A piece of content with equipment in front of it

Optimize your content

By publishing engaging content on your company website (including blog posts and landing page copy) and optimizing for the keywords your audience is searching for, you have the opportunity to appear in search results for your target audience's queries and bring them to your site Learn more.

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Earn backlinks

Search-optimized guest posts share unique insights from your company's subject matter experts. Not only do these placements create opportunities for you to rank in search results for relevant keywords, but they also give you the opportunity to link back to your site in publications that your target audience reads so you can bring those readers to your site to further engage with your brand.

We offer a variety of SEO packages depending on the size of your website and overall goals.

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How we help you achieve results

Depending on your needs, we will create a customized package to help your company improve its SEO, whether your focus is national, local or e-commerce. The following products are components of the SEO package:

bull target with arrow


A piece of written content with a person icon on it




A piece of written content displayed on a computer screen

Media ownership and personalization

A web page showing data analysis

Keyword research and
Auditing technical sites

chain link

back link

Are you interested in using our services to help achieve your company's SEO goals?

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Take advantage of your company's knowledge

Your company is full of industry experts. Our job is to help you turn their expertise into content that builds trust with your audience members and positions your company's content in search results. We do this by helping you identify key subject matter experts in your company and using our proven knowledge sharing process to gather their unique insights. From there, we help you create engaging and relevant content that answers your target audience's questions and positions your company as the go-to resource in your industry.

Hear what our customers have to say

“Impact Co. is truly one of the only marketing organizations I've ever worked with that actually delivers what they say they will deliver.”

KPIs we will use to measure SEO success

A magnifying glass with an icon of a person in it


A web page with a search bar

to look for

Keyword ranking

Key word

A web page with a star on it


Check out our case study to learn how Influence & Co. Helped ProSource improve their SEO and see results.

Read the case study

Your ICO. Group

Each of our clients has a dedicated account team to help you generate content marketing results by strategizing, creating and publishing content.

Your account team is supported by a number of other content marketing specialists, including SEO specialists, account service managers, graphic designers, advertising and PR strategists, and writers, forming Influence & Co. as a powerful extension of your marketing team.

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