How to Start an Online Business Fast (4 Easy Steps) | Easy Affiliate

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How to Start an Online Business Fast (4 Easy Steps) |  Easy Affiliate

A solid business idea is undoubtedly the first step in starting an e-commerce company. However, this alone is not enough to get your online business off the ground. Executing a successful launch can seem like a long and complicated process, especially if you don’t have a lot of entrepreneurial experience.

Fortunately, anyone these days you can start an online business in a few simple steps. In fact, you can start your digital company within hours. With the right approach, you can set up your website, social media accounts and finances in a flash.

In this post, we will discuss why you should start an online business. Then we’ll walk you through the basic steps to get your e-commerce company up and running quickly. Let start it!

Why should you start an online business?

In the past, starting a company required a lot of time, money and effort. However, the digital age has changed all that. Now you can start an online business with minimal time and investment.

What’s more, an e-commerce company can give you flexibility and unlimited growth potential. There are many viable online business opportunities for beginners, such as selling digital products or dropshipping. Other popular alternatives include affiliate marketing obsession operating a membership site.

Membership page of the Adult Board

With more than 2 billion digital shoppers in 2021, there has never been a better time to launch your digital business. Besides that WordPress makes starting a website easier than ever. Therefore, you can be on your way to starting and growing an online business in no time.

Now that you know some of the many benefits of running an online business, here’s how you can start your own business in just four steps.

Step 1: Launch your website

Your website will be the center of your online business. It’s where people can learn about your company, buy your product (or services), and learn how to contact you.

Before you can launch your website, you need to select and purchase it domain name. It’s a good idea to carefully research the different purchase options and choose the domain name that’s relevant to your business.

Once you’ve chosen yours Business name and domain, then you need to select the WordPress hosting service provider. With some web hosts, you can get your website up and running in literally minutes:

Bluehost Homepage – The first step to starting an online business is getting a reliable web host.

We recommend it Bluehost due to its affordability, ease of use and flexibility. Additionally, hosting features include a free domain name for the first year, one-click WordPress installation, and 24/7 customer support.

Once you’ve set up your hosting, you can start building your website. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time on web design, there are plenty of free ones to choose from WordPress themes. Many of these are focused on e-commerce, which can further simplify the process.

Be sure to keep it as you build your website with branding in mind. You can fine-tune this later, but it would be wise to start thinking about what your logo should look like and what tone you want to use in your marketing copy. Once your website is up and running, you’re ready for the next step.

Step 2: Set up your sales funnel

A sales funnel describes the path of a potential consumer to the purchase of a product or service. It may look different depending on your business model and the products you sell.

A simple sales funnel can have an entry point, a middle, and an end. One entry can be a homepage (visitor), the middle one can be an e-mail registration page or form (lead) and the end may be an email series (conversion).

You can use it sales and marketing software to easily set up a successful sales funnel. For example, if you want to start a membership business or create gated content, you might consider it MemberPress:

Start an online business with MemberPress

This plugin can help you create an exceptional membership site, sell online courses, and more. Our tool, the Easy Affiliate plugin, another great option if you want to create a self-hosted affiliate program. Regardless of your business model, establishing a solid sales pipeline will jump-start the process of growing your online business.

Step 3: Create social media and bio links

Every small online business needs to consider prioritizing social media presence. This is because active participation in social media can increase brand awareness and improve brand awareness. return on investment (ROI)and build trust with your audience.

Start by creating a business profile on your social media platform of choice, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram. Then add a bio link that links to your website (and other social channels).

Nice links provides an easy way to shorten your links and help you track, mask and share your affiliate links in one step:

Start an online business with Pretty Links

Long links can look unprofessional and discourage visitors from clicking on them. Creating social media accounts with abbreviated bio links can help you establish an online presence for your small business more quickly.

Step 4: Create the payment system

Figuring out how to process payments is an important part of starting your business. Since most consumers say that they prefer a credit or debit card, you should set this option.

We recommend this Buy now plusa plugin that provides a seamless checkout experience and handles recurring payments without requiring customers to create an account:

Start an online business with Buy Now Plus

Furthermore, if you are engaged in e-commerce, WooCommerce is an excellent plugin to add to any WordPress site. It’s customizable, helps you receive secure payments, and lets you manage your shipping options.


Starting an online business can seem overwhelming. You may worry that it’s not worth the time, effort, and investment. However, starting an e-commerce business can be quick, easy and affordable.

In summary, here are four steps you can follow to start an online business quickly:

  1. Choose your domain name and start your website using it Bluehost.
  2. Set up your sales funnel and consider using a plugin like MemberPress obsession Easy Affiliate to simplify the process.
  3. Create social media and bio links and shorten them Nice links.
  4. Create a simplified payment system using a tool such as Buy now plus.

Do you have questions about how to start an online business in record time? Let us know in the comments section below!

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