Getting the Website You Want

Fast Digital Pro  > Content Marketing >  Getting the Website You Want

In this post I’ll be discussing the best way to get a great, and professional looking website for very affordable prices.

When ever I start a new project, whether it be an affiliate marketing site, lead generation, adsense etc…. I prefer to get my site looking just the way I want it, and therefore like to get a WordPress theme customized, which I’m about to explain how to do. You can get amazing looking sites, just the way you want them for a little as $50-$100 dollars too.

The first thing I do is have a look around at what my competition is doing with their sites in Google already.

For example, recently I set up a new lead generation deal, which is still affiliate marketing, just not using affiliate links, but instead capturing the leads and selling them. So the first thing I did was find a wordpress theme that I liked, a paid premium one, but nothing expensive. There quite a few good premium theme sites out there, such as Woo Themes.

What I do is find one that I think will work for the niche and the style of site I’m building, in this case lead generation, and my next move is to look at what other people in the niche are doing with their sites already, and take screen shots using Jing of half a dozen sites, so that I can pass this onto a WordPress designer to customize for me, which I’ll get to in  moment.

I’m not going to give away the niche I’m in for this lead generation deal, so instead, let’s say it was for “Bankruptcy”. What I do is look at about a dozen sites, and take screen shots of the ones I like and mark the image up with the things I like, which is super easy and quick to do using Jing. Below are some examples:

affiliate marketing

affiliate marketing blog

So once I’ve found what I like and captured images, or video, I’m now ready to approach a WordPress designer to take my paid premium theme, and customize it to just the way I want it. Some people prefer to use the themes out of the box, but I must say I prefer this style, because it doesn’t cost that much, and you get exactly what you want, and if your site is important to you then it’s worth getting it spot on!

Finding a Good WordPress Designer

The next thing you need to do is find someone who can take your theme and transform it into what you want. There are a few sites you can go to, and I like and also For this example, let’s stick with

The first thing I do is head over to the Odesk and click the “HIRE” link on the home page. The I select “web design” from the categories:

internet affiliate marketingThen filter the results so you have a lot less to look through. What I do is reduce the hourly rate to $10 and under, and also in the search box type in “wordpress”, as the image below shows:

affiliate marketing info

The next thing you need to do is read their profiles and especially look at their previous work and see if they have done any WordPress customization, and also check what their feedback has been like.

Also if you can find someone that is a coder AND a graphic designer then this is perfect as they will be able to make graphic changes as well as customize the code so the theme works they way you want it to.

Once you’ve found someone, contact them and ask for examples of previous work. On that note, look for someone who actually does have a work history, which you can filter for on the right menu filters.

Getting What You Want

I’ve had my fair share of crappy results when trying to get a website I want, and I’ve learned that in order to actually get exactly what you want, you absolutely must provide examples of what you like, as I showed above, and provide as much detail as possible.

Sometimes I’ll record a video in Jing and also 10 or so screen shots, and send all of this over to the developer, so that I reduce miscommunication and help the guide the contractor to what I want. If you do this you will get what you want in most cases.

The Price

The price you pay depends on how much work is involved. However if you provide your contractor a theme to start with, that you like but just want some tweaking down to it, then it is a lot less work, so you can expect about $50-$100 for something like this.

One more thing to keep in mind, if you can’t find a WordPress developer that is good with graphics, then you’ll be able to find a designer in Odesk also. I’ve one WordPress developer who’s very good, but he doesn’t do graphics, so what I do is get some basic graphics made, which might cost $25 and then send them to him to use.

That’s all for this update folks, that’s how I get the website I want.