Free Advertising On Blogs

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Everybody knows that the best ways to get free traffic to a website is through the search engines and millions people use search engines to look for information everyday. As you know search engines love blogs. If you know how to use blogs you can easily get more traffic to your website.

What if you don’t have a blog, don’t know how to set up a blog nor have time to manage a blog?

The good news is you can now advertise for free on blogs that actually allow you to place your ads for free on their advertising site in a form of a blog.

You just need to know how to write a good ad which would be indexed by search engines. One of the tips is just by posting your keywords in the title and you can get free traffic to your website and having your blogs indexed.

Anyone looking to increase their profits should look in to this type of advertising because you get all the benefits of placing your ads on a blog and it is an excellent marketing method to increase web site traffic for free to your web sites.

Most people would look at this as a no brainer. Although most webmaster do not like people to advertise on the blogs, this sites were made just for that. It is free to use and thousands are flocking to this service to drive huge traffic to their sites in just days by simply posting one little ad.

I listed below some sites that offer posting free ads on the blog form that you can try:

  • Free Classified Blog – free, no registration required, upload picture, website link, no html, unlimited ads per day as long as you wait for 5 min to post another ad and no duplicate ads.
  • Free Advertising Blog – free, require registration to post ads – can use html – using WordPress admin area to post ads
  • Free-Advertising-Blog – free, require registration to post ads, can use html, limited posting per day
  • Free Ad Blog – free, require registration to post ads, can use html, using WordPress admin area to post ads