Easy Guide to Create Your Own Affiliate Website

Fast Digital Pro  > Affiliate Marketing >  Easy Guide to Create Your Own Affiliate Website

You may ever read in the internet that you can make money even without having a website.

It is true, but if you want to have a long-term success as affiliate marketer, you need your own affiliate website – is also called “Landing Page Website” or “Leads Capture Page” or “Squeeze Page”. This is the website where you can capture leads, building your subscriber list and make profits from that list over and over again.

You do not need to have a sophisticated website. In fact, you need a simple direct response website to market the selected affiliate program/product. The basic tools you need to build a simple site structure that people can be very successful with:

1. A domain name

You need a domain name which targets the keyword in your website. You can use your keyword list you created from your keyword research and generate a list of potential domain names for your website.

Tips: – .com domain is more popular than others

– don’t include dashes in the name to help with search engine

– combine words like ‘info’, ‘’tips’, ‘secrets’, ‘best’, ’easy’, ‘super’ for powerful domain branding

Register a domain name with NameCheap for under $10 for a year.

2. Webhosting

You need a good reliable webhosting company with 24/7 technical support and almost zero down time. For webhosting, ‘you get what you pay for’ term apply. if your site goes down, you will lose sales and money.

I recommend you two reliable hosting companies that have high quality rank in most hosting review, they are HostGator and BlueHost. The good things are they offer a reasonable price and various package according to your needs.

Tips: – Some webhosting offer free domain name, however it is recommended to have your domain and webhosting separate so you have full control over your domain name

3. AutoResponder

You will need AutoResponder service if you want to build a list and contact your subscribers (read:prospects) who don’t purchase straight away. As it said, your money is on your list. You will also use your list for email marketing of your future products. The system works this way, AutoResponder system will provide you with a tool to put opt-in box in your website and if someone fills his name and email address for your offer i.e free e-book, free course, or subscribing newsletters, they will automatically get emails from you sent by your AutoResponder system. It works automatically 24/7 and save a lot of your time.

I recommend a web-based autoresponder service than a software basis for a beginner as it is hassle free and user friendly. The top 2 autoresponder services are Aweber and GetResponse as uses by top internet marketers.

4. Choosing Affiliate Product/Program

I explained more this section in the Article “Tips to Choose A Good Affiliate Program”.

Please Click Here to read more.

To learn more about setting up your affiliate website, as well as other tips for building your list and getting traffic to your list, I highly recommend Affiliate Cash Secrets, an automated system of Derrick Van Dyke.

I have to say…this is *truly* the fastest and easiest way for newbie marketers to get started online…

– No Website Necessary!

– No Advertising Necessary!

If you can push a button, copy and paste text, and send a few emails, you can make your first thousands online in the next 30 days!

It’s the most powerful cash-generating system I’ve ever seen and I highly recommend you check it out right now…

Check it out: Affiliate Cash Secrets


Wishing you a great success!