CPA Marketing: How It Works & How to Build a Successful Strategy

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CPA Marketing: How It Works & How to Build a Successful Strategy

What is CPA Marketing?

Cost per action (CPA) marketing gives an organization a commission after their students complete a specific action. When an organization or individual promotes your products or services to their audience, you will only be charged if a reader takes the action you want.

Many people consider CPA to be the least expensive because it only costs you money if someone interacts with your ad. Your target action could be filling out a form, clicking on a specific website, sharing a video, using a voucher code, and more.

CPA Marketing Examples

  1. Check out the websites: These websites compare different products or services within an industry. Their content usually considers the features, advantages and disadvantages of each option. Readers often look at these sites when they're trying to compare their purchasing options.
    Review websites work great for CPA marketing because you can include a link for each product you review. When readers are ready to buy, they can click through to your website or one of your landing pages.
  2. Splash pages: A splash page appears as the load of your website, app or online game. Larger brands like Apple or Disney usually use splash pages, because their visitor is likely already familiar with their brand.
  3. Related and influential groups: Affiliate and influencer marketers can enhance your CPA marketing strategy. Standard affiliate marketers come from a variety of sources, including popular blog sites, fundraising pages, cash back sites, etc. Influencers are commonly found on social media and YouTube, and are often in it, they become celebrities, which helps sell products to their target market.

How to Build Your Own CPA Marketing Plan

  1. Decide what you need to promote: Your CPA marketing campaign should aim to make prospective customers aware of something: your product, your new product, an event, a discounted service, etc. Finally, you are which one you choose to promote will influence the creative design of the brand and the organizational partners you work with.
  2. Find out who should see it: Targeting your audience works great here because you'll want to make sure your ad or links only come from people who might be interested in what you're offering. Targeting your audience also helps you identify the best affiliate partners, networks and influencers to work with. You can use the Market Explorer tool to view your audience demographics and interests in the Demographics section:
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  3. See how you can deliver it: To reach your target demographic, you need to consider organizational options that work best with your budget. Can you work with an organization? Can you work with individual partners and authorities? Where do you want your ads to come from?
  4. Choose your prospects: You will need to identify the right partners, affiliate networks, and influencers to promote your CPA campaign.

How to Build Prospects for Your CPA Marketing Strategy

Once you've done the research and you're comfortable with what you're delivering, it's time to turn to your CPA marketing strategy.

1. Research your competitors

It's likely you'll share your goals with competitors in your industry. It's important to understand your position in the market and how much market share your competitors already have.
Market research can also help you identify companies that you'll probably share with marketable and influential organizations within your industry. You can use that Market researcher's Overview report in order to find interesting or new competitors and important demographics of the audience.

To get started, turn on the Find Competitors view on the tool's homepage. Specify your domain, country, and list name:

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The Growth Quadrant of the Overview report provides a visual representation of your competition at a glance. You can view up to 20 matches by quadrant. Reach out to each competitor to see their stats, including their referral traffic:

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Toggle the Benchmarking tab to see how each competitor stacks up against the overall market. Use the Traffic Generation Strategy widget to allocate each peer’s traffic by channel:

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Use this information to identify your main competitors and their current referral system. When making your strategy, ask yourself how you can match or beat their shipping numbers.

2. Research organizations

You will want to work with marketable and influential organizations that are aligned with your brand and already doing business for your target audience. But you don't have to start from scratch — you can target your competitors' affiliate partners. Using your competitors' affiliates saves time, and you can ensure they already have the business knowledge.

Start by making a list of your strongest connections from the Growth Center. Then for each connection, you can go to the traffic journey report in the Traffic Analytics tool, scroll down to the Traffic Journey Details chart, turn on “Referring Sites” and see which sites are sending the most traffic to your competitors.

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Use this list to identify potential partners. You can reach out to these sites to ask them to review your products, embed your affiliate links in their copy, or build a custom campaign of your own free will.

Toggle Social Network on the report to see the top social networks sending traffic to your competitors. Use this list to find out where to look for influencers. The most popular influencers of your competitors are likely to work on these networks.

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While it's important to understand your competitors strategy, your strategy will ultimately look different. Competitors often miss opportunities, so you need to be prepared to work with integrated teams that your competitors do not.

3. Research affiliate networks

A corporate network is an online platform that connects corporate marketers with brands that want to hire them. They are one of the most popular ways to find organizations.

With so many organizations, it can be hard to know which ones you should use. Understanding your options is the most important step to build your strategy.


  • Organizational networks bring together many organizations in one place.
  • Many organizational networks provide businesses with accountants, so you'll have a professional guide working with you.
  • Group networks are easier to develop after the initial training.


  • The cost of using a service can sometimes eat into your profits.
  • Finding the right organization can be a process. Some networks can be very transparent about their process and their real journey.

Use the Traffic Analytics tool to determine the traffic status of each future network to narrow down your options. The tool can show you all the traffic for each domain and any useful user engagement metrics, such as their average visit time and bounce rate:

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Avoid paying for useless things you can’t prove: use Visits and Unique Visitors metrics to measure the website’s collective audience. Review Pages per Visit, Average Visit Duration, and Bounce Rate to understand website efficiency. Sites with positive user experience metrics mean visitors spend more time browsing your partner's site, increasing your partners' chances of link clicks.

It is also important to look at network advertisers. You'll want to know who's already running ads with your potential partner and how many views they're getting (if any.)

THE Show the advertising tool analyzes your competitors' text and banner ads for valuable information such as ad type, insights, and target audience. You can also use the tool to evaluate domains that publish CPA ads. Start by entering your target component into the toolbar:

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In the Overview report, hover over “Publisher” to see the results for the domain:

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The tool lists the number of ads placed by the publisher, the number of current advertisers, and the total number of times the publisher has displayed the ads:

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4. Survey Review Components

Using review websites can be good if they are reliable and have a good contact. You can always check a future website’s Authority Score and traffic data by. Domain Overview tool.

Log the site into the tool, view the Overview report for their results, and evaluate organic traffic. You can also filter for your target country or device:

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Having a review site with a good Authority Rating is a bonus to your CPA strategy. A higher authority-score may be a better indicator of implementation of SEO best practices, site usability, and reliability.

CPA Marketing Best Practices

1. Manage expectations

Set realistic expectations and goals when developing your strategy. While it seems reasonable to base your websites on large organizations and influencers, it seems to make sense, but that's not always possible with a rookie's budget.
Affiliated and promotional organizations can charge as much as they want to promote products. Generally, the more traffic an organization has or the larger a person's following is, the more money they pay to promote a brand. Make sure you work with organizations and authorities at each stage of your business development.

2. Look at everything

It's likely that your CPA marketing strategy will change as your business grows, so review is important. Set up weekly, monthly or quarterly tests to track your campaign’s ROI. Keep an eye on important metrics like your overall traffic growth, your User traffic, and the performance of your competitors.

Takeaways above

Whether you already have CPA marketing as part of your strategy or you're new to it, using the tips and tricks in this guide can help you build a successful strategy for your brand is.

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