Content strategy services Content marketing agency

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Content strategy services  Content marketing agency

Influence & Co. offers companies a rounded package of content marketing solutions – and all these solutions start with a strategy. Our content marketing experts work with you to understand your company's goals, your target audience, and what exactly sets you apart from others in your space. We combine this insight with your definition of success, the right metrics and your expertise to develop a customized content strategy plan.

This documented content strategy ensures that our organizations stay aligned and that we create content that works together towards your goals.

The first 30 days of our partnership

When you engage with Influence & Co.'s content marketing services, the first step is developing an account and content strategy that is customized to your unique company and goals. In the first 30 days, you and your dedicated account team will:

The outline of a phone floats over the outlines of three people

Hold an opening conversation for
get to know each other

Speech bubble with three bullet points and three lines inside

Close the content topics of the first quarter

Outline of a target with an arrow in the center

Sharpen your aim
Audience and goals

bar graph

Determine what success
Metrics that will measure the
Counter strategy

Outlines of two people with an arrow pointing from one direction to the other

Discuss how your company
And your account team will
work together

Ready for an inside look at what to expect during the first 30 days of our partnership?

The content strategy process

It may be tempting to simply create pieces of content one at a time and release them into the wild. While it can be rewarding to publish content, you can't execute a cohesive content marketing plan that works towards your business goals without having a strategy. This is where we come into the picture. The proven approach of Influence & Co. A content strategy helps companies create content that works together toward a common mission. Your customized content marketing strategy will include:

Outline of a target with an arrow in the center

Goals and target audience

Speech bubble with three bullet points and three lines inside

Content topics for the next quarter

A magnifying glass zoomed to a check mark

Keyword research, if applicable

Outline of a person in front of a flag with a line between them

next steps

Ready to start seeing results with content marketing?


Your dedicated content marketing team

Let us handle the heavy lifting of developing your custom content marketing strategy. When you come to work with Influence & Co., you gain access to a dedicated team of content marketing professionals who act as an extension of your marketing team.

Choose your preferred destination

Create content with a purpose. Let us help you maximize your content marketing investment with a content strategy focused on achieving specific, trackable goals. To help us create customized and results-oriented solutions for our clients, we bring together our service offerings in specific packages. Click on your preferred target below to see how we can help you achieve measurable results.

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