Content marketing services Impact Co.

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Content marketing services  Impact Co.

Influence & Co is uniquely equipped to deal with the company in its entirety Content marketing strategy. We are able to have the most impact on companies that are looking for:

• Position their organization as a thought leader in its industry.

• Improve organic search ranking.

• Converting passive website visitors to marketing leads.

At Influence & Co., we've seen clients succeed by using the following tactics to create a strong content marketing strategy that accomplishes their sales and marketing goals.

Overview of our services

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Blog posts

Search-optimized articles are up to 1,000 words long and offer unique insights on a specific topic from your subject matter experts. Blog posts are published on your company blog, and they work for SEO, thought leadership, lead generation, and sales activation goals.

A blue circle with a white outline of a person and a pie chart

investigated a case

Designed one- to two-page analyzes of the work your company has completed for clients that highlight your partnership's processes and successes.

A blue circle with a white outline of a piece of paper with a magnifying glass on it

Content review

Our digital marketing team dives deep into your site structure and content to review performance, suggest improvements, and introduce new ideas for your content strategy.

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Content management system services

Influence & Co. Publish your blog content to your content management system with our “Last Mail” services. Social media posts are also written and planned to promote the finished piece.

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Email drip campaigns

A series of emails that automatically follow up with leads after an offer is downloaded on your site. They are usually associated with white papers, e-books or manuals.

A blue circle with an outline of a piece of paper with an outline of a person on the paper and five lines

Guest posts

Search-optimized articles that offer unique insights from your subject matter experts published in publications your audience reads.

A blue circle with a white outline of a bar graph and a magnifying glass

Keyword research

An audit of the keywords your site is currently ranking for, keyword opportunities your company should be pursuing, and keywords your competitors are ranking for.

A light blue circle with a white outline of a desktop computer with a web page coming off the screen

Landing Pages

Dedicated pages on your site to encourage visitors to download gated content and capture lead information.

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Designed email newsletter templates and packaged content delivered regularly to your audience's inbox. Newsletters combine both educational and engaging elements. Influence & Co. has MailChimp, Constant Contact and HubSpot capabilities.

A blue circle with an outline of a plus sign in the center and four pieces of paper surrounding the plus sign

Pages Blog Pages

Essential to an SEO strategy, these basic in-depth blog posts are search-optimized and cover all aspects of a topic on a single page of your website.

A blue circle with an outline of a speech bubble that includes a megaphone

Click on Retainer

Dedicated hours from the Influence & Co. media relations team. Invested in strategy and presenting the unique insights of your company's subject matter experts and company news in order to gain press coverage.

A blue circle with an outline of a piece of paper that includes a megaphone and four lines

Press Releases

Official statements—usually no more than two pages—communicating specific information about an event, circumstance, product launch, etc. These are usually sent via wireline service. Influence & Co. May also use these in features for communication contacts.

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Quarterly website analysis and promotion report

To communicate the impact of your content strategy, Influence & Co. Provides a quarterly analysis report for your website, along with an SEO report that includes keyword ranking and domain information. The report also includes recommendations on how to change your content strategy to have the greatest impact on your goals based on the results we see. Quarterly reporting is a required component of our work with clients.

Social Media Security

Social Media Security

Written copy for social media posts for each piece of content we create together, which you can use to promote your content on your favorite social media platforms.

A blue circle with an outline of a web page that includes a bar graph and a cursor

Technical review

An audit of the back end of your website to ensure that your content has a chance of being successfully found by search engines.

A blue circle with a white outline of a piece of paper and a lock

White papers

Also called e-books or manuals, white papers are in-depth pieces of content delivered as formatted PDF files. When published, the white papers are usually behind a contact form and can be downloaded in exchange for personal information, such as an email address. These are a great lead generation tool.

In your first 30 days, Influence & Co. Document the content creation plan for our partnership.

Custom content marketing software

We developed a proprietary content marketing software, ICo. Core, optimize and improve your experience with us. You and your team can connect from anywhere at any time to see exactly what our team is working on for you – a feature that assumes transparency and accountability in the work we do for your company.

Our custom content analytics give you valuable insights into how your content is performing. The platform also sends email updates to ensure you're always up-to-date on your company's content.


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