Article Marketing Is a Must

Writing articles is known as a proven method to advertise your product you are selling, professional services you are providing or even to get extra income. Article marketing is one of long-term strategies in generating traffic to your site. These articles are usually in a form of short review or presentation of the product or […]


How to Get Automatic Social Bookmarking

How to Get Automatic Social Bookmarking What exactly is Social Bookmarking? It’s a public list of your pets. Not all your pets, just the pets you want to partake with others. You can add your favorite website to a public list and recoup it from any computer. Why social bookmarking is good for hunt machine […]


The Affiliate Marketing Mindset

I do SEO for clients and also have a variety of affiliate sites and Clickbank products. I was making a really good income before the panda slap, but I’m currently in the phase of rebuilding after Google sent a big panda and kung fu’ed a large portion of my profits. So why am I being […]



If you’re looking to FAIL online then really…that’s no problem! Rather than building an internet business that can earn you money while you’re asleep – it is every bit as easy to idly waste hours, days or months getting nowhere, whilst chasing empty promises of riches “just-down-the-line”. HOW CAN I ACHIEVE SUCH SPECTACULAR FAILURE? That’s […]


Finding Good Affiliate Programs

From my years of experience coaching people online, I’ve found that one of the most common stumbling blocks for people, is knowing how to find good affiliate programs. In this post I will help you overcome this, by sharing with you a sneaky little trick that involves some spy work and using the popular social […]


Email Marketing for Affiliates

In this post I discuss the process of building an email list for affiliate marketing purposes and how to do this the right way. There are a number of very convincing reasons to build an email list in a niche market, the main reasons I’ve listed below. I also realize that not all niches markets […]


Developing Your Own Brand

The internet marketing journey for me has been a varied one. Initially having my success with simple affiliate marketing websites, I then created my own coaching products sharing this knowledge. After this I ventured into lead generation websites and had considerable success, however the journey soon progressed into my first ecommerce store. Along the way […]


Creating Your Own Product

I’ve been a little quite on the blogging front, but I thought it would be a good idea for me to update you all on what I’ve been up to and share some ideas that will hopefully help you make more money too. As most of you will be well aware I’ve done a lot […]


9 Great Affiliate Marketing Niches

When doing affiliate marketing its important to choose the right niche market to enter. Choosing a great niche is usually the most common thing that people struggle with, so I have provided 9 examples of good affiliate niches and also the criteria that makes a good niche. First of all here’s the list of niches […]


Are Mobile Numbers the Marketers New Email Address?

Email is dead! Okay, it’s not actually dead. But it’s definitely time to start treating a mobile number and SMS marketing with the same priority and focus as email. Why? Because customers take their phones with them everywhere. You don’t need to settle for marketing to their inbox, when you can send an SMS message […]