Building Backlinks for Traffic Generation

Fast Digital Pro  > SEO >  Building Backlinks for Traffic Generation

Some offline business owner put up websites with the hope of getting customers or clients from the Internet. What usually happens is they get nothing, because a website is not an ad. No one “peruses” websites in some “website newspaper.” In fact, no one will go to your site unless you specifically invite them.  A website actually needs advertising and promotion itself.  That is why you need to build traffic to your site.

There are a lot of great ways to do this and one terrific way is with backlinks.

What is a backlink?

A backlink is an incoming link to a website or webpage.

For example, if you are a member of Texas Real Estate Agent Association, and someone is looking for a real estate agent in Austin, Texas, then it is possible that this person sees your listing in the “Real Estate Agent Member” section or directory and clicks a link to your website.

This is a backlink from Texas Real Estate Agent Association website to your site.

Backlinks are also referred to as “in-bound links” and sometimes can be called “reciprocal links.”

Some pages of a website are designed to place links and take visitors to other web sites. These pages are usually a link section or a resources section of a website. These are also called “forward links” or “outbound links.”

The important thing to note is that a backlinks bring visitors to your site. Once visitors come to your web site, you can turn them into clients, product sales, newsletter subscribers, commissions and more.

So why are backlinks important?

  • Backlink is direct traffic to your site. This traffic can be cashed in for clients or sales.
  • When done right, backlinking” can sky-rocket your search engine rankings and thus result in even more traffic. In other words, backlinking is a part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies.


From the eyes of search engines, your “site’s worth” increases when the number of backlinks increases. Each backlink raises the popularity of your web site.

It’s like being the popular kid in school. The more kids who know you, the more popular you are.

What does this lead to?

When people put the phrase “texas real estate agent” into a search engine, for the most part, the sites with higher popularity will come up first.

  • Backlinks can create consistent traffic

Sending out newsletters and giving talks often bring you immediate “bursts” of traffic.
Bursts of traffic are great, but require you to make those additional efforts in order to continue to get that traffic.

Backlinking builds a steady, consistent, and predictable stream of traffic that keeps coming without additional work. You can confidently expect the same number of visitors each month.

  • Backlinks have the snowball-effect.

Creative backlinking strategies can create a situation where your web site is attracting backlinks without you doing any work at all. It’s like a snowball going down-hill that continues to grow.

How to build backlinks?

There are many ways to build backlinks, such as the followings :

1. Writing article and submit to article directories.
2. Blog commentary
3. Submit Link to Web Directory
4. Link Exchange
5. Paid Text Link
6. Submit links to social bookmarking sites
7. Write article to social hosting sites
8. Forum activity
9. Micro-blogging
10. Post link to Advertising sites

You may be familiar with these ways to build backlinks already. However, I will explore more some of these backlinking strategies in future posts.