4 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is A Fantastic Way To Grow Your Small Business | Easy Affiliate

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4 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is A Fantastic Way To Grow Your Small Business |  Easy Affiliate

If you own a small business, finding the right audience for your products can be difficult. What’s more, you may not have the budget, resources, or time to create and run your own ads.

Fortunately, affiliate marketing is an affordable and effective way to do it expand your small business. This strategy offers limited startup costs and low long-term risks. With the help of affiliate marketers, you can broaden your audience and achieve a higher return on investment (ROI).

In this post, we will discuss the basics affiliate marketing. Next, we’ll go over four reasons why you might want to start this performance-based program for your small business. Let start it!

Introduction to affiliate marketing

Simply put, affiliate marketing is an advertising technique that businesses use to reward content creators who recommend their products or services. These people refer their audience to your business in exchange for commissions.

This means that affiliate programs involve three parties: customers, affiliates, and sellers. In this case, your small business would be the seller.

To try affiliate marketing, you first need to make sure your products or services are ready to go. Then maybe contact the content creators. These bloggers or social media influencers are the affiliates. They advertise your products their websites or on social channels affiliate links or advertisements:

Partner ad on Instagram.

Affiliate followers are customers. In an ideal affiliate program, customers purchase your business’s products based on recommendations from their favorite creators.

There are a few different ones how to reward affiliates:

  • Pay per click (PPC): You pay affiliates a commission based on the number of clicks on their affiliate links.
  • Pay-Per-Sale (PPS): You give affiliates a portion of all purchases made through affiliate links.
  • Pay-Per-Lead (PPL): Affiliates are paid for each lead (usually an email address) they generate.

Whichever payment method you choose, it’s important to find content creators who perform well. When reviewing affiliate applications, consider focusing on the standout social media influencers with high traffic pages. Also, make sure you only work with affiliates that align with your brand and values.

Now that you know the basics of affiliate marketing, let’s discuss why it can be a powerful way to grow your business.

1. Low costs

The start-up costs of an affiliate marketing program are very low. For many small businesses, this is a significant advantage.

What’s more, traditional advertising techniques they are often expensive and do not guarantee results. With affiliates, you only pay based on performance.

If you’re still not sure if you have the money, don’t worry. You can use the profit margin calculator To estimate the total cost of an affiliate program:

Shopify Profit Margin Calculator

Be sure to include affiliate commissions in the gross cost of your product. Also keep in mind that while you’ll lose a small cut of your profit from paying commissions, you could get a big boost in sales.

When you create your affiliate marketing program, you can also set a maximum payout for your affiliates. This can be beneficial if you have a limited marketing budget.

Our own Easy Affiliate a great tool for determining your fixed commission rate. You can even create commission levels to protect your profit margin and prevent unexpected expenses.

2. Low risks

For most small businesses, there is very little risk involved in affiliate marketing. This is because you only pay for results. In addition, regardless of the niche of your business, you can easily host a profitable affiliate program.

Since affiliate programs also pose very little risk to content creators, you probably won’t have a problem finding them. In fact, partnering with small businesses is often the first important step creators take to monetize their blogs or websites:

The EveryGirl companion blog

However, be careful how you select your affiliates. If you’re not careful, an ill-fitting affiliate can damage your brand image.

Finally, affiliate marketing is also very low risk for customers. You don’t have to deal with price changes when using affiliate links. This way they can support their favorite creators without paying extra for their products. Generally, everyone sees affiliate marketing as a win.

3. High return on investment (ROI)

Return on investment (ROI) is a measure of how profitable a given business will be. To determine this, you need to compare costs with profits. In general, you want the highest possible ROI.

In this sense, affiliate marketing fits the bill. As you already know, this comes at extremely low cost and little extra work for the seller (after the initial setup process). Moreover, you only have to pay when a sale is made.

With other forms of marketing, you are likely to pay a fixed fee regardless of conversions. This applies to platforms such as Google Ads:

Google Ads homepage

If you run a Google Ads campaign, you have to pay for each click on your ad. You may drive traffic to your site with expensive keywords, but there is no guarantee that those visitors will make a purchase.

On the other hand, you only pay affiliates for successful conversions. Instead of generating low-quality traffic, you can save budget and pay for results.

4. Targeted exposure

Social commerce is becoming more and more common. People are increasingly seeking referrals from their favorite influencers because they know their referrals will be considered them.

What’s more, this targeted exposure can increase sales more effectively. This is because it increases the likelihood that you will reach your ideal customer.

However, remember that finding the right creators to work with is key. You probably want to match people who really like your brand. Ideally, they will also have many followers:

Instagram influencer ad

The more people your affiliates engage with, the more views your product will likely receive.

In addition, as a small business owner, you may face difficulties in your own development search engine optimization (SEO). However, running an affiliate program can outsource some of the hard work of SEO.

When bloggers promote your product specific keywords and content optimized for your niche, it can drive more organic traffic to your site. As a result, your search engine rankings may improve.

How to start affiliate marketing

Best of all, you can easily start your first affiliate program Easy Affiliate. With our plugin, you can analyze the performance of your affiliates and quickly contact them if necessary:

Easy Affiliate website

After downloading Easy Affiliate, you can get paid with the help of affiliates PayPal 1-click payments. You can easily set and track your commission rate and be alerted to any fraudulent activity.


Affiliate marketing offers one of the best ways to raise awareness for small businesses. This method allows you to reward bloggers and social media influencers who drive traffic to your site. This, in turn, can increase your income without the high costs and risks of traditional advertising.

Four reasons why affiliate marketing is a great way to grow your small business:

  1. Low costs
  2. Low risks
  3. High ROI
  4. Targeted exposure

Do you have questions about creating a small business affiliate marketing strategy? Easy Affiliate? Let us know in the comments section below!

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