10 Types of Content Marketing to Triple Your Sales In 2023🔥

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10 Types of Content Marketing to Triple Your Sales In 2023🔥

Planning to up your content marketing game? Looking for the best types of content marketing? You’re in the right place.

When it comes to marketing, there is an INFINITE number of strategies you can use to reach your target audiences.

BUT… content marketing is the MOST powerful strategy to generate traffic and sales.

Why? Content marketing helps you educate your audience with your content (be it blog posts, reviews, or videos).

That means, you’re helping your audience and making profits in the process. It’s a win/win approach. So if you’re looking for the most effective types of content marketing to use in 2023, this guide is just for you.

In this guide, you’ll discover:

  • Different types of content
  • How to use each content type effectively
  • Frequently asked questions about online content types and much more

Let’s get started!

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10 Best Types of Content Marketing that You MUST Need In 2023

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing technique that involves in creation and distribution of helpful and engaging content with the goal of increasing traffic and sales.

Content marketing works REALLY well because it provides valuable information that people are actually interested in. Content marketing is all about educating people about the products and services you promote.

what is content marketing

All in all, content marketing can help businesses achieve A TON of goals, including increasing traffic, growing brand awareness, generating leads, building a following online, etc.

So what are the effective types of content marketing that you can use in 2023 to increase your sales and engagement? Let’s find out now.

1. Blog Posts

Blog posts are an excellent way to educate your audience to drive more sales to the products and services you recommend.

Why? Blog posts provide your audience with information that is valuable and HIGHLY relevant to their needs.

In fact, blog posts are extremely popular.

According to  Internet Live Stats, over 3 million blog posts are published per day.

blog posts

3 MILLION posts per day! That’s how popular blog posts are.

Blog posts work really well for us as we’re able to generate over $13,000 per month from the blog you’re currently reading.

Here’s one of our earning reports;

semrush earnings

As you can see above, we made more than $446,000 from just one affiliate product called Semrush Affiliate. Thanks to the blog posts we published on our blog.

So how to use blog posts to grow your sales and conversions?

Here are a few effective tips to write blog posts to increase user engagement.

Find the RIGHT Topics: Keyword research is extremely important. Come up with topic ideas that your competitors use to get more traffic and sales. You can use keyword tools like Semrush to quickly find hundreds of topics in ANY niche.

Finding new topic ideas may seem daunting, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to easily find lots of potential blog post ideas.

Write Compelling Headlines: If your headlines are not compelling, people won’t click no matter how good your blog posts are. The headline is the most important part of your article.

If you want people to read what you wrote, you need to learn how to write compelling headlines that make people want to click. Fortunately, you can use headline generator tools to easily come up with dozens of powerful headline ideas for your posts such as;

  • CoSchedule Headline Analyzer
  • Sharethrough Headline Analyzer
  • AMI Headline Analysis Tool

Make sure to use strong verbs and interesting adjectives to make your headline stand out.

Optimize for SEO: Last but not least: don’t ignore search engine optimization (SEO). Make sure to perform keyword research for every post you publish. Use plugins like Rank Math to optimize your content for Google.

Here are some of the best SEO practices you can use within your posts to get better rankings.

  • Don’t stuff keywords. Instead, use LSI keywords for optimization.
  • Use an FAQ section for all your blog posts and target question-based keywords. Use tools like Semrush, AnswerThePublic, etc to find these keywords.
  • Update your existing content regularly.

2. Videos

According to Cisco, 82% of internet traffic will be online videos and it is only expected to grow year after year.

video stats 2023

So what does it mean?

People around the world are consuming videos A LOT.

Why? Videos are easy to watch and consume, unlike blog posts or guides.

If you’re looking for an effective type of content marketing to reach and engage your target audience, videos are a great choice for you. Above all, videos can help you easily promote your products or blog directly as they help you drive traffic and generate leads.

Here are a few quick tips to create videos that make an impact on your website or business.

Use tools: While vlogging may seem like a daunting task, there are a number of easy-to-use video editing tools that make it simple to create high-quality videos. A few such tools include:

  • FilmoraGo
  • Animoto
  • Movavi Video Editor

Write a script: Most beginners don’t create a script before making videos. That’s why most videos come out pathetic. To create appealing videos, you need to create a video script.

Pick a topic, create an outline and write a script for your videos. You can also use AI writing tools like Jasper that help you automatically create scripts for your videos.

Optimize for search: Make sure to optimize your videos for both YouTube and Google. Perform keyword research for every video and include relevant keywords in your video titles, description, and tags. Create click-worthy titles and use appealing thumbnails to grab the attention of searchers.

3. eBooks

Over the past few years, self-publishing content type has become extremely popular, thanks to the ease and affordability of eBooks.

They’re easy to consume and can be read on all devices including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. That’s why content marketers all around the world create eBooks to make money and promote their businesses.

Also, eBooks can be updated more easily when compared to print books, making them an ideal format for content marketers.

If you have a story to tell or knowledge to share with your audience, you can easily reach a WIDE range of audiences by creating your own eBook.

Have a look at one of our eBooks;

bp ebooks

It’s not so hard to create and sell your eBooks either. You can read our guide on creating an eBook and selling it on major platforms.

That being said, here are the THREE BEST ways to create eBooks that create maximum impact.

Choose a relevant topic: The first step to writing amazing eBooks is to pick a topic that matches your audience’s needs. Know your audiences’ problems and needs. Offer solutions through your eBooks.

You can use platforms like Quora to find what your customers really want or you can also spy on your competitors’ content to see what works well in your niche.

Outline each chapter of your ebook: Once you’ve decided on a topic, outline your eBook with each chapter. Look at Amazon eBooks, kindle books, your competitors’ online courses, etc to get an idea about what chapters you’ll want to cover in your eBook.

Outlining your eBook with several chapters helps you easily write and finish your eBook. We recommend you use Google Docs for your eBook creation. It’s easy, works offline and you can share your work with others easily.

Break down each chapter as you write: Once you’re done with the outline, start working on each chapter one at a time. While writing, focus only on one thing: writing. Don’t edit, don’t proofread, or don’t distract yourself other than writing.

As you complete each chapter one by one, start reviewing them. Proofread multiple times, and use tools like Grammarly to fix your grammar. Make sure to add lots of visuals while writing. Use tools like Canva to create designs or illustrations for your eBook for free.

Above all, include a call to action such as visiting your website or signing up for your newsletter throughout your eBooks.

4. Case Studies

Case studies are the most powerful type of content marketing.

Most people want to learn more about your business, they want to find out the reasons for a website or business’s success.

Here’s where case studies come in handy as they can help you share your experiences, success stories, product demonstrations, etc.

On our blog, we published a ton of case studies including our own blogging journey.

case studies bp

Case studies often attract a ton of social shares, backlinks, and comments. They can also help you establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

So how do you create effective case studies? Use the following tips.

Write an engaging story: First, make sure you have a strong story to tell. When writing the case study, focus on telling an interesting story that will capture the reader’s attention.

Find out the #1 reason for publishing your case study. Is it to increase your sales, brand awareness, or traffic?

Be sure to include details about the customer’s experience and what they thought of your product or service.

Include the problems: A case study should highlight the challenges your customer faced and how your product or service can help them overcome those problems. It’s also important to be specific and include results from your own journey.

Discuss in detail the features (or benefits) of using the products you’re going to recommend.

Make it interesting: Case studies shouldn’t be boring. Make sure your case study is well-written and engaging. Use lots of visuals, subheadings, and bullet points.

Keep your sentences and paragraphs short and concise.

Finally, don’t forget to promote your case study once it’s published. Share it on social media and send it to your email list to get more traffic.

If you’re looking for a content marketing type that helps you reach your target audience FASTER – social media posts are just for you.

Over 4.59 billion people use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc and it is expected to reach 5.85 billion users by 2027 (according to Statista).

social media users

In fact, Facebook has 2.934 billion monthly active users.

So if you want to reach a WIDER audience across the world quickly – social media is an excellent choice for you.

All in all, social media is a great way to connect with your audience and promote your brand or business online.

Here are some of the best tips to use social media to grow your content marketing results.

Be consistent: If you want to build a following on social media, post something consistently. But what if you don’t have anything noteworthy to say? Well, you can always share other people’s content. Just make sure to give credit whenever you’re sharing others’ content.

Use proper hashtags: The best part about social media is that you can use hashtags to increase your post reach.  Hashtags are a great way to get your content seen by people who might not be following you yet. But beware of using too many hashtags, or using irrelevant ones – that will just make you look spammy.

Run giveaways: If you want to quickly grow your presence on social media, take advantage of social media contests and giveaways. They’re a great way to engage with your followers and grow your audience.

Last but not least, don’t forget to have a call to action in every post. Whether it’s asking people to like or comment on your post or inviting them to visit your website, giving people something to do will help turn casual followers into loyal fans.

6. Infographics

Infographics are one of the popular types of content marketing, used by businesses all around the world.

Infographics work well because they’re persuasive and help your audience easily consume your information.

If used right, infographics can help you attract a ton of traffic, social shares, and backlinks to your website.

According to Semrush, infographics are one of the effective ways to build backlinks.

infographics benefits

Here are a few proven ways to create amazing infographics to generate traffic and backlinks.

  • Firstly, keep it simple. An infographic should be easy to understand at a glance. That means using clear and simple language and avoiding complex words.
  • Content is the most important part of an infographic. That’s why pick a topic that’s popular or trending in your niche. Analyze your competitors to see what content works well.
  • The information included should be relevant and accurate, and it should be presented in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Tell a story. A good infographic will tell a story that engages the reader and helps them understand the information being presented.
  • The layout and design of the infographic should be carefully planned to help your audience easily digest the contents in it. The use of color, typography and whitespace can also help to clarify the information and make it more visually appealing.
  • You can use graphic design tools like Canva or Photoshop to design your infographics. Or simply hire someone to design appealing infographics for you based on the input you provide.
  • Use credible sources. Be sure to use reliable data sources for your infographic to ensure that the information you’re sharing is accurate. Include all the links to your references at the end of the infographic.

Above all, make sure to do lots of planning in creation and promotion. Focus on attention to detail. That way you can ensure that your infographic will effectively communicate your message and reach a wider audience.

7. Webinars

Did you know that 33% of the signups occur on the day of the webinar? Check out these amazing webinar stats to find more details.


Webinars are a great way to share knowledge with a large audience online.

Webinars are easy to create and can be recorded and used as marketing materials to attract more people to your website. They allow you to share your expertise on a topic, connect with your customers, and generate leads.

Here are a few tips to create webinars effective to promote your business or website.

Firstly, come up with a topic that will be both interesting and useful to your target audience. Then, you need to determine the format of the webinar. Will it be a live presentation with slides or more of a question-and-answer session?

Make sure that your webinar provides HUGE value and is something that people will actually want to watch. While doing your webinars, make sure to start on time and keep the webinar engaging by using visuals, audio, and interactivity.

There is a wide range of webinar software tools you can use such as;

  • GetResponse
  • GoToWebinar
  • LiveWebinar

Also, start promoting your webinar as much as you can. You can use social media, email marketing, and your own blog to get the word out. Finally, don’t forget to follow up after the webinar is over to get MAXIMUM results.

8. GIFs and Memes

Memes and GIFs are extremely popular on social media. People instantly get connected to memes and they can be a great way to promote your blog.

By creating engaging memes that are relevant to your blog’s topic, you can reach a wider audience and generate interest in your website.

seo memes

To create a viral meme, choose an appropriate image and add some clever text that captures the essence of your blog. You can use AI tools like Jasper Art where you can automatically generate engaging photos and art with any text you want.

While creating images or GIFs, make sure to include a link to your website so that people can easily discover your blog or product.

Use popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your memes. Consider hiring someone to promote them with proper hashtags and images on social media.

9. Email Newsletters

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers.

Whether you know it or not, email has the BEST ROI as it generates over $40 for every $1 you spend.

email roi

Not only is email marketing more affordable, but it also allows you to target SPECIFIC groups of people for higher conversions and sales. Also, it lets you easily track the success of your email marketing campaigns and measure clicks, open rates, etc.

You can also segment your email list to send highly relevant newsletters to your target audience.

That being said, here are some of the best tips to create highly effective email newsletters.

Create sequences: Make sure to create email sequences where you can automatically send regular newsletters to your subscribers. Pick a topic, and create a 5 or 7-day email sequence so your new subscribers will get those updates automatically.

Create exclusive newsletters on the following things;

  • To talk about new products or services
  • To offer coupons or discounts
  • Provide information about upcoming blog posts, products, etc

Keep it short and sweet: No one wants to read a long and boring email, so make sure you get to the point quickly.

Use engaging visuals. People are more likely to pay attention to your newsletter if it includes catchy graphics or photos. Don’t forget to personalize your content. Add a personal touch by addressing your readers by name or offering custom content based on their interests.

Above all, make it easy for your subscribers to unsubscribe from your newsletter. Include an unsubscribe link in every newsletter so people can opt out if they’re no longer interested in your content.


People search A LOT for motivation and inspirational quotes from influencers and experts.

If you want to create something quick and get better results, quotes are a great type of content for you.

Have a look at some of the posts around various quotes published on our blog.


As you can see, we published quite a few blog posts covering inspirational quotes.

The benefits of publishing this type of content are;

  • They’re easier to create (saves time on content creation)
  • When optimized properly, quotes can send lots of traffic from search
  • Helps you with social shares as people often share quotes with their followers (make sure to add appealing images for every quote you add)

You can also get creative by reaching out to influencers in your industry and asking them to give a quote or tip about a popular topic. They’ll get a free link, and you’ll get a quote in return. You can also ask them to share your post with their followers. So it’s a win/win approach.

FAQs | Different Types of Content

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about various types of content marketing.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract people to try your products or services.

Which content type is best for conversions?

Blog posts are effective if you’re looking for better conversions. They help you create awareness about the products or services you promote. Make sure your blog posts are helpful and relevant to your audience’s needs.

What are the 4 types of content marketing?

Here are the 4 MAJOR types of content marketing.
– Blog posts
– Videos
– Email Newsletters
– Infographics

What are the different types of content?

There are many different types of content that can be used to grow your sales or traffic, including blog posts, infographics, videos, eBooks, and more.

Is content marketing useful in 2023?

Yes, definitely. The key is to create content that is interesting and useful to your target audience. If done correctly, content marketing can help you build trust and credibility with your target audience, ultimately leading to more sales.

Related Content Marketing Resources:

Final thoughts on online content types

There are many different types of content marketing, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. We mentioned the BEST 10 types of content marketing that work well for MOST industries.

Blog posts and videos are the most effective content types that you can use to get better results within a limited budget.

So what do you think about the various online content types mentioned here? What’s your favorite type of content marketing? Have any questions? Let us know in the comments.

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