9 Great Affiliate Marketing Niches

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When doing affiliate marketing its important to choose the right niche market to enter.

Choosing a great niche is usually the most common thing that people struggle with, so I have provided 9 examples of good affiliate niches and also the criteria that makes a good niche.

First of all here’s the list of niches that are winners for affiliate sites:


Get ex back

Survival (economic collapse and natural disaster)

Dog training

Web Hosting

Weight loss

Build muscle

Gaming (World of Warcraft etc…)

Organic living (this could be food, clothes, cleaning products, supplements)

…oh and one more – Natural health!

Criteria for a Great Affiliate Niche

Before entering a new niche as an affiliate I like to make sure it meets as many of the criteria listed below:

Email marketing

Does the niche lean well towards building an email list? It important to be able to collect emails on your site and over time build relationship with. If you do can this you will make more money in the niche and if something were to happen to your site in Google and you were to lose traffic, you still have an asset.

A niche leans well towards email marketing if the niche is one where further education on the niche topic is possible. Some niches don’t do this and hence won’t work for email marketing, an example would be how to cure warts!

Wide range of keywords/topics to write on

It’s important for a niche to have a lot of varied keywords that you can target. I refer to this as a ‘fragmented keyword list’. The classic example of a fragmented keyword listed is ‘dog training’.

In the dog training niche you have keywords that are based on breads – chihuahua, bulldog, poodle etc…however to add to this you also have all the training problems – biting, chewing, digging, jumping up etc…so when you combine all the breeds with the problems you get a HUGE range of keywords/topics you can write about.

In niches like this you can create a great information based website, that you can continually add content to. Overtime these sites if done well, will collect more and more traffic in Google and produce a good return for the webmaster.

Multiple product niche

Ideally you want a niche where the subscribers to your email list will buy more than one product from you. Keep in mind the products need to be good quality, so make sure before jumping into a niche that the products are a quality. The last thing you want to do is compromise your reputation by promoting garbage.

Product or Store Creation Potential

Although not essential, it is a good idea to ask yourself whether you could create your own product in the niche or if not a product perhaps an ecommerce store further down the track. I began doing affiliate marketing in only one niche (not the I.M. niche) and now have progressed to having a store and making my own products in it also. This project is something I’m now pouring a lot of resource into now.

Community focused

This last thing I push people towards is building a community in a niche. I recently did a blog post on this here – creating a movement. If you take the time to position yourself as the authority in a niche and end up having a community following then you’re building yourself an asset, which will be well worth it. This takes time and hard work and is why most people don’t bother, but I can tell you that is definitely works.

I hope you found this overview on how to choose a great affiliate niche helpful!