80+ content marketing trends for success in 2023

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80+ content marketing trends for success in 2023

How confident are you about your plans for 2023? After the last few years, creating a (highly recommended) plan feels more like fodder for memes than a means to a desired end.

The global health crisis may have receded for now, but many uncertainties loom (a global recession is just one).

However, as I wrote last year, “content marketing is about the future — preparing audiences and customers to solve their problems, meet their challenges, and reach their goals.”

That means you have to prepare to meet whatever comes next. And you'll need to be ready to adapt and respond to changes in your audience's needs and preferences—including how they find and engage with the content you create.

So, once again, we asked industry thought leaders (including content marketing speakers and content marketing award winners) for their insights and advice on the trends most likely to impact your work in 2023.

Some common themes emerged from their varied takes.

Advances in AI and Web3 technology may help your team fill some of your creative gaps, but it will require a willingness to experiment and learn.

You'll also need to update how you access and apply audience data because Google's useful content update and the Google Analytics target date 4.

Meanwhile, many of the experts we polled see a promising drive to create more exciting, inclusive and meaningful experiences that resonate with content consumers.

With all that in mind, I'll start with a few words about what I see coming:

kids these days!”—is an exclamation that usually has negative connotations. But my prediction—and hope—is that brands will redouble their efforts to engage with Gen Z in all the right ways. This generation is full of smart, tech-savvy, hardworking, and influential consumers that you can't Reach out to them the same way you would market to other generations. I believe smart brands will pay attention to their content preferences (think visual!), their preferred social channels, and their desire to connect with similar communities. Get it right, and you can build long-lasting, loyal relationships. Do it Wrong, and you likely won't get a second chance.

Compare this – and all the predictions below – with your trend forecast and planning for them Content marketing in 2023. And please share what you see on the horizon and your thoughts on those shared here in the comments.

Smart brands will pinpoint the types of content and channels Gen Z prefers — and their drive to connect with similar communities in 2023, says @EditorStahl via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Prepare for economic and occupational uncertainty

With the uncertainty of the future economy, management will continue to review the marketing budget. It is important not only to create content but also to demonstrate ROI. Content has value only in the context of marketing channels.

Understand how marketing channels are using your content and make an effort to co-own key marketing metrics with other marketing functions. Present your added value in front of management. Pam DidnerRelentless Pursuit, LLC

Management will scrutinize marketing budgets in 2023, so you can demonstrate ROI on content, says @PamDidner via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Prepare for a real or imagined recession. That means automation, efficiency and flexible resources will be key to ensuring you don't lose your marbles.

  • Automation tools will allow organizations to serve themselves (think Calendar tool) and allow marketers to serve customers and potential customers important and valuable information.
  • Marketers' day-to-day responsibilities will be full now that their teams are leaner. Efficiency will be all about investing in plans that you can come up with in advance. Whether it's copying for streams to nurture or expanding content plans again, streamline these processes to do more with less.
  • Flexible resources will be important to avoid attrition. Invest a little money upfront to start building relationships with outside resources so they'll be up-to-date on your brand, voice, and strategy when you need them.

Maureen JahnNeoLuxe Marketing

Automation, efficiency and flexible resources will be key to ensuring you don't lose your marbles in 2023, says @NeoLuxeMo via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

As recession fears increase, marketing budgets will shrink, forcing content marketers to do more with less. Managers will be more likely to approve projects with a higher ROI, so consider presenting content that can do double or triple duty—for example, a long-form article whose data points can be turned into an infographic, which can be split into multiple social media posts, all of which can be packaged together. in an on-demand campaign. Wendy Zamoracasting 360

Consider offering #content that can do double or triple duty for higher ROI in 2023, says @TheOliveGal via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Embrace advances in AI tools and technology

Content marketing in 2023 will be shaped by two trends: the growth of artificial intelligence and the emergence of behavioral science. Artificial intelligence will crowdsource data to quickly determine who to target and where/when to find them. Behavioral sciences will assist in creating content in a way that is receptive to the brain, while increasing engagement and response. Nancy HarhutHBT Marketing

#Marketing content in 2023 will be shaped by AI and behavioral science, says @NHarhut via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Get ready for Web3, the next iteration of the Internet. Web3 will be defined by an immersive digital experience – think the wonders of Metaverse, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), but also practical digital assets like a bank branch in a virtual world or the ability to buy Nike shoes for your avatar. Nick LakePegasystems

Get ready for #Web3, the next iteration of the web, says @NickJLake via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Beware of new AI technology, especially for SEO and content development. These evolving tools will help marketers in three ways: targeting their content by using topics and terms that potential customers are actually searching for, developing content faster, and streamlining tone and style in large organizations. Morgan NorrisTREW Marketing

AI technology will help marketers focus on #Content, develop it quickly and optimize their tone and style, says @morgannorris via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Artificial intelligence will grow in 2023, but the adoption of its creative uses will be slower than expected. AI technology creates an image Progress is incredibly fast, and ethical and legal questions constantly arise. Will the creators want to use this “grey area” content? We shall see. JK KalinowskiContent Marketing Institute

#AI will grow in 2023, but adoption will be slower than expected due to ethical and legal questions, says @jkkalinowski via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

The two biggest trends I see shaping the future of content marketing are AI and Internet 3. Whether you agree or not, it's important that all content marketers educate themselves on how these technologies can benefit our brands, communities and customers. Brian PiperUniversity of Rochester

Content marketers need to educate themselves on the benefits of #AI and #Web3, says @brianwpiper via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

2023 is the year that AI tools will start to dominate content marketing workflows. These tools will cause a lot of anxiety among marketers, but ultimately AI will augment human creativity. Dale BertrandFire&Spark

#AI will dominate #Content workflows and augment human creativity, says @dbertrand via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Effective storytelling continues to be critical for content marketers. In addition, the The role of AI in content marketing It's getting very interesting. Content marketers should be willing to experiment with AI tools to learn what's possible and develop their own vision for using AI in their content marketing program. Bernie BorgesiQor

Content marketers should experiment with #AI tools to learn what's possible, says Bernie Borges via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

AI's ability to generate images, words, videos, music and much more from simple text prompts is set to transform creativity and content. We are going to see an explosion of providers and capabilities. Content marketers should start experimenting today to understand what's possible. Paul RutzerAI Marketing Institute

We're going to see an explosion of AI #vendors and capabilities in 2023, predicts @PaulRoetzer via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Artificial intelligence-driven virtual assistants (IVAs) will transform businesses By improving customer service by answering questions more accurately – not only for customers but also for employees. IVAs collect and retrieve information from many sources, place it in context and learn from each interaction.

The next time you're in the app, instead of asking a chatbot a question, an IVA will appear, which looks like a real person and creates a very personal experience that will guide you to the next step. Mark Majorsprogressive

AI-powered virtual assistants will answer customer questions more accurately in 2023, says @mmajers via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Before focusing on the future, I believe marketers should prioritize the present. For example, 50.21% of companies in the EMEA region still rely on legacy content technology. If your tools aren't allowing your content to reach any channel, that's the first thing you need to fix. Thomas FahamStoryblok

If your tools aren't enabling your #Content for every channel, that's the first thing you need to fix in 2023, says @tompeham via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Update your search smarts

Every year (every month!), there are more features that appear in Google search results. These are engaging, visual and satisfying to visitors – and they reduce the percentage of searchers who click on the organic results.

To adapt, take a closer look at the search results pages before choosing a target keyword phrase. If it's full of visual noise, consider another phrase. Also, building a body of work on YouTube Can help because these videos may rank well in search. Finally, make sure your content strategy focuses on answering the big questions with long detailed answers. Because if the searcher is looking for a quick answer or a simple fact, he will find it right there in the search results. No need to click anything. Andy CrastodinaOrbit Media

Make sure your #ContentStrategy is focused on answering big questions with detailed answers, says @Crestodina via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

With Google's MUM algorithm and the helpful content update, we will all need to write informative content that answers all the questions people want to know about a certain topic. This means we need to think less about individual keywords and more about topics and topic clusters. We should research the types of questions people ask about a topic and write about the topic in detail.

As writers, we also need to add as much media as possible to our pages. This means adding audio, video, images, diagrams, infographics, images (Original me, not stock), and other media formats for the pages we write where it makes sense. We need to make our content pages as strong as possible. For example, Google understands images at a deep level. This is why adding original images is important (versus stock images). Google can tell if an image shows a dentist or a Dalmatian. Google knows! Sherry Bonelliearly digital marketing

In 2023, writers need to add audio, video, images, infographics and other media to create strong #Content, says @sherrybonelli via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

We will see significant development with Google's SERP features available in organic search. I think we will see Google create more search results without clicks. Content marketers should continue to focus on creating quality, people-first content that is unique and provides value. Ryan Maloneywins

Google will generate more search results without clicks in 2023, says Ryan Maloney via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

As search results pages are increasingly dominated by paid ads, customers are demanding a more relevant “human” experience. Your customers are starting their search in new places – TikTok, Reddit and even other retailer sites. Reevaluate your SEO in 2023, check out what types of content are getting the most attention in these new channels. David RaineWalmart Canada

Check out the #types of content that will get attention on alternative search channels like TikTok, Reddit and retail sites in 2023, says @thedaveraine via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Google's Helpful Content Update was one of the biggest announcements of 2022. Related post Google Search's main blog Urges content creators to “focus on people's content first” and “avoid creating content for search engines first.” Google will help content marketers create content that satisfies users (i.e., humans) – something we've had to do all along. Dennis XiaoAttention Retention LLC

@Google will help marketers create #contentforhumans in 2023 – what we've had to do all along, says @DShiao via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

The development of TikTok as a search platform. We've already seen TikTok videos appear in the Google SERP, and it's likely that marketers will look to develop more evergreen content and optimize it with the right caption copy and hashtag to appear organically in search engines as well as platform searches. Stephen Francis WestgateGreen Park Content

Marketers will likely develop evergreen #Content and optimize it to appear organically in search in 2023, says Stephen Francis Westgate via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Content marketers should think about aligning their funnels with SEO and content consolidation efforts. Stop thinking so much about the top of your funnel, and think more about the middle of your funnel. And look at your retention programs for existing or lapsed customers – what are you doing to keep them happy? – Love to Livetag, Aha Media Group

#Content marketers need to think more about mid-funnel in 2023, says @AhavaL via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Watch the video below for more search-focused predictions and strategy, including advice on how to adapt to the growing use of AI and expected economic challenges.

Refine your strategies and approaches

In 2023, we'll see brands gravitate toward newer technologies like micro-hedge because of its laser-focused precision and unique ability to build first-party data from mobile user activity. Companies with mobile apps have a unique ability to leverage precision-based location data to gauge and feed consumers' desire for just-in-time information. They just have to get it right.

Brands that can provide relevant and useful location-based content while maintaining consumer trust and privacy will gain two fortunes: the first is customer loyalty and the accompanying financial gains, and the second is the rich data of the first party that feeds the loyalty that all marketers desire. Karen McFarlaneLetterShop

Brands will lean on new technologies like micro-fencing to build first-party data from mobile users, says @karenkmcfarlane via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Content will lead – not complement – ​​campaigns in 2023. We are seeing a seismic shift among clients and marketers who now see the importance of solid Content strategy, from content marketing to customized interior website pages. Content will take its rightful place as the center of audience-serving advertising campaigns, and digital marketing strategies will be built to branch out from, not just link to, these strategic pieces of content. Maria ObidzinskiStamatas

#Content will take its rightful place as the center of the campaign to serve the audience, says Maria Obidzinski via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Experienced content marketers will find ways to blend human and digital opportunities in the purchase journey. This hybrid approach can include everything from live TV shopping on TikTok or Pinterest to messaging conversations and digital help centers. Content is clearly needed throughout the customer journey, but we need to find more ways to enable those choices and data to inform what content should be created along the way.

In 2023, we will need to create content that encourages more interactions and enhances our company's personality. This will lead to stronger customer loyalty and first-party data. Smart content marketers will need to find ways to increase the sense of belonging. Voicing mutual concerns and looking for opportunities to activate communities (like Sephora's Beauty Insider or Salesforce's Trailblazers do) are ways to create deeper connections with our customers and build trust. Jackie ChakirlisQuest Digital/ Great Lakes Publishing

Marketers will need to create #Content that encourages interactions and enhances company personality in 2023, says @JacquieChak via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

In 2023, I see content marketing evolving into a leading business model in more organizations and content marketers moving towards the C-level. You have to see the result A signal of content marketing is much broader than just revenue and be associated with key business objectives, such as marketing (business) effectiveness, digital reputation (such as audience trust and digital visibility), and overall digital business value. Michael SchwanhovenNXTLI

In 2023, #ContentMarketing will evolve into a leading business model in more organizations, says @schoonhovenvia @CMIContent. Click to tweet

CMI study shows the continued investment in video to 2023. Marketers can prepare by reviewing their existing video content offerings and developing a video marketing strategy. The strategy should include goals, a content plan mapped to stages in the buyer's journey, projected video production needs, a distribution plan and success metrics. Lisa SelekContent Marketing Institute

Marketers need to examine their video #Content and develop a video marketing strategy in 2023, says @LisaBeets via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Trust and transparency are the foundation of content marketing, but it will take on new meaning in 2023. In the face of a recession, businesses will rely on content more than ever to build audience trust and increase transparency from the content marketing professionals they rely on. Economic slowdown Tips: Consistently collaborate on strategy, be nimble and harness the possibilities of digital technology to maximize time and bandwidth for success! Beth CappsMoving Words Into Action, LLC

Businesses will rely on #Content more than ever to build audience trust and increase transparency, says @BKapes via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

In 2023, content marketers will start thinking more precisely. This might be by adding more personalization in new ways or by diving deep into the data to make content usage decisions that follow a chisel-than-a-hammer approach. –Andy Robinsonmarketing hijinks

In 2023, content marketers will start making #Content decisions with more of a chisel than a hammer approach, says @hijinxmarketing via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

If content marketers want to get more visibility for their content in 2023 (and who doesn't?), they'll want to leverage PR approach. Take owned media (content) and turn it into paid media (PR) to get more out of your existing content. Work collaboratively with your PR team. Michelle GarrettGarrett PR

To get more visibility for #Content in 2023, work together with your PR team, says @PRIsUs via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Here are the content marketing trends that we at Collective Measures predict for 2023:

  1. Consumers' unique perspectives and emotional responses will influence brand discovery, purchase and loyalty. Marketers must demonstrate empathy in their content.
  2. Helpful content will win. To do this, think topically to answer specific questions.
  3. People still trust humans over brands. We must leverage the human side of the brand, especially by raising the voices of employees and leveraging trusted partnerships.

Heather Rist Murphycollective measures

Tap into the human side of your brand by elevating employee voices and leveraging trusted partnerships in 2023, says @heatherrist via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

With the push for privacy and the “cookie-pocalypse,” content marketing will evolve from a sporadic, campaign-based exercise to an ongoing effort that must earn quality attention from customers and prospects. The organizations that deeply understand their audiences and can create necessary content based on that understanding—it must be, at the highest level, something they would miss if it disappeared—will be better positioned to win in any marketing effort. Now that every competitor is producing content, the game has changed. Now companies need to do three things:

  1. Be so obsessed with customers and prospects that you internalize their pain points, needs, preferences and habits.
  2. There is permission to act creatively on this insight through content and experiences.
  3. Build attribution models that can connect these relationships to real business results.

­Crystal KopchRevmade

#ContentMarketing will evolve from sporadic campaign-based execution to a sustained effort in 2023, says Crystal Kopach of @Revmade via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

We use the words “content” and “marketing” almost as if it's one word to describe what we love: content marketing. But are we as serious about marketing as we are about content? Are we trained for marketing like we are trained for content? Do we have sufficient levels of competence in both content and marketing (even if we like one a bit more than the other)?

In content marketing jobs, the focus is on content creation training and experience and rarely on solid marketing training and knowledge. It makes me worry. We need to understand both the strategic marketing challenges we aim to solve and how to market our content to deliver results. My 2023 trend? Less focus on content and more focus on marketing to take content marketing to the strategic level it deserves. Bert Van Loon, CMFF

Expect less focus on content and more on the marketing side of #ContentMarketing in 2023, says @BertVanLoon via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Take advantage of creators and creative trends

Content marketers will find more success by working with creative teams. There is more than enough content on the Internet, but it is often noise, not signal. This will get worse as the macroeconomic environment pushes marketers to cut advertising spend, choose their campaigns more carefully and invest more in owned content rather than ads. This will create increased competition for attention, reducing reach and response for all content marketers except those using the crown jewel of marketing – great creative work.

We have seen creative as a cost center for too long, even as we invest in technology, ad platforms, ABM and all other areas of marketing. This will change next year because creative work is the essence of differentiation and a key driver of revenue and profit. Content marketing leaders will reconnect with their creative roots in 2023. Russ SomersLitho

Viewing creative as a cost center will change in 2023. Creative is the essence of differentiation, says @rsomers via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

We like to say that audiences trust people, not blogs. In 2023, we'll see this lead to brands staffing teams of creators as in-house public-facing talent. Around them they will develop well-known content brands, such as newsletters, shows, books and speeches. We are about to exit the era of content marketing where “anyone” can create “pieces” of content in favor of well-known creators who create properties that drive subscribers. Instead of creating content, the best brands will create creators. Jay Acconzoan unthinkable podcast

Instead of creating #Content, the best brands will create creators, says @JayAcunzo via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

I foresee the use of content creators in smaller layers/influence To better connect with audiences directly:

  • Scan social posts for industry content
  • Learn the leading voices in your space
  • Connect with the leading voices in your space
  • Try collaborating with these creators
  • Use technology to generate and capture the demand generated.

Eddie Saunders, Jr.Flex Machine Tools

Brands will use content creators in smaller tiers to better connect with audiences directly in 2023, predicts Eddie Saunders, Jr. via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Get your content actions in order

Content actions are finally going to become the buzzword of the year. Content marketing is specialized on several levels. There are companies where she only completes a marketing plan for the company's positions. In these businesses, it would simply be too big to ignore.

standards of operation must be defined. Processes and workflows must be implemented. People must be trained and led. The privacy regulations must be complied with. Technology must be managed and integrated. Hence, the content operations professional will need to ensure that this content machine continues to work flawlessly and deliver the expected results. Igor Laban ByrdDeloitte

#oops content will finally become a thing in 2023 as content marketing professionalizes, says @IgorBielo via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

This is going to be brutal! Already overwhelmed content marketers will still be asked to produce more content, even though we all know that less is more and quality trumps quantity. With increasing financial constraints, they will this outsourcing instead of hiring more employees. Will this outsourcing be to bots or trusted advisors, consultants and contractors? Time will tell. Gina Bellarinverbalism

Marketers will outsource instead of hire in 2023. Time will tell if it's to bots or trusted contractors, says @gbalarin via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

It is increasingly difficult to find good writers. All the evidence points to a sharp decline in writing skills in grades 9-12. Content marketers who build internal programs to develop and improve writing skills will be rewarded with better quality and less expensive written content (and this includes video and audio scripts.) Sarah Mitchelltype set

Build in-house writing skills development programs to get better, cheaper content in 2023, says @SarahMitchellOz via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Watch the video below for more perspectives on the operational and resource challenges content marketing teams are expected to face in 2023—including the ongoing drive to do more with less.

Explore new tactics

The year 2023 is going to be quite the dynamic year. You may find yourself having to make an impact with the same resources or with less. So what should a marketer do?

One thing you can do is pit your speakers against other people's communities. You can Author articles for trade publicationsand your company spokesperson can speak at industry conferences, which are expected to return to pre-pandemic 2019 attendance levels.

And don't forget about podcasts. Placing your speaker as a guest on other people's podcasts is a lot less effort than starting your own. If you're targeting technical buyers, our research shows that a whopping 73% of engineers listen to podcasts every week for work. Listen, this is going to be a dynamic year. You have to be nimble and ready to make adjustments. We got it, content marketers! Wendy CoveyTREW Marketing

To make an impact with the same #Content resources or less in 2023, write for commercial pubs or add guest podcasts, says @wendycovey via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

2023 will be the year innovative B2B brands increase their investment in content marketing, becoming more creative, bold and human to unlock a competitive edge. This will include development Internal “influencers”. By nurturing the talent in their teams to help elevate their brand voice and borrowing from B2C strategies to improve results. Karen Hesse256

B2B brands will increase #ContentMarketing spend to become more human and unlock competitive advantage, says @256media's Karen Hesse via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Align with your content allies

Content marketers will need to regularly collaborate with sales to ensure that content is not only valuable to prospects and customers, but is also easy for Sales to find And easy to share. Low engagement with content outside your organization will first lead to lower performance within your organization! Noel WurstSmartBear

Marketers will need to make sure #content is easy to find and share for sales, says @NoelWurst via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

The content marketing function is understaffed in many organizations – and has been for years. Content marketers need allies – and they may find them in the corporate communications and PR department.

According to the 483 professional media people who took the fifth annual JOTW Strategic Communications Survey (which I co-produce), 60% said their organization puts more or much more emphasis on owned media such as blogs, newsletters and websites. In fact, owned media was the only area with the most consensus among respondents. Shared media (44%) was next, followed by mainstream media (43%) – the traditional authority of the media – and paid media (33%). I have long argued that public relations is the best kept secret in content marketing; In 2023, it may no longer be a secret. Frank StrongSword and the Script Media, LLC

PR will no longer be the best kept secret in #ContentMarketing in 2023, says @Frank_Strong via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Marketers will continue to do more with less, and marketing teams must work harder to balance customer needs and experiences with business goals. Content marketers can prepare by working with their Technology partners and customer success managers to find out if they are using the right capabilities of the technology, if the partner is a good fit, and if smarter solutions exist. Cathy McPhillipsAI Marketing Institute

#Content marketing teams must work closely with technology partners in 2023 to do more with less, says @cmcphillips via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Go where the data takes you

Marketing's role is now expanding to include ways to collect (and leverage) first-party data. That is, beyond building your own audiences, building datasets that can inform strategies and tactics moving forward. With this in mind, content marketers should consider broadening their strategic scope and think about how they, their approaches and technologies can contribute to this goal. King HillMarcus Thomas LLC

#Content marketers need to consider how to build datasets to target your strategies and tactics, says King Hill via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Google Analytics is changing in 2023. Make sure you understand the key aspects of Universal Analytics, such as goals, events, conversions, and more. This will help you successfully migrate and migrate to the new GA4 platform. Create this new asset now so you can get used to the platform. Chris Cheetham-WestLR Training Solutions

Make sure you understand the key aspects of Universal Analytics to help you successfully transition to the new GA4 platform, says @chrisnwest via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Marketers will continue to face attribution and analytics challenges as Apple, Google, Samsung and other networks tighten and limit access to the data we once enjoyed. It's time to shift your content efforts to maintaining and increasing revenue through existing customers, not just to acquiring new audiences. Brands have the opportunity to build more direct and meaningful content experiences with known customers using the data they have today. Tim Haydenbrain+trust

It's time to shift content efforts to retaining and growing revenue through existing customers, not just acquiring new audiences, says @TheTimHayden via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

There will be a shift to teams building more thoughtful measurement plans. Content marketers and teams are going to spend a lot of time rethinking their measurement approaches. The move from Universal Analytics to the more complex GA4 will catch a lot of people off-guard—and prompt a focus on what platforms and approaches teams should take going forward. But it will also be a great opportunity for teams to coalesce around better, more effective measurement programs that support better business outcomes and learning agendas. Will Sullivana message processor

The move from Universal Analytics to GA4 will catch marketers off guard – and spur a focus on building better, more effective measurement programs, says @willb_sullivan via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Privacy, please: As more people become aware of exactly how much data is being collected about them, more work will be required to convince them to hand over their information, so forget the buzzwords and delve into the art of making content fun, informative and smart – that is, leveraging a hybrid team of experts. The young VandezandaSAP

Forget the buzzwords and delve into the art of making content fun, informative, and smart — meaning leveraging a hybrid team of experts, says @jennvzande via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Watch the video below for more expert insights on adapting to changing data trends and the ever-evolving technology landscape—including tips for thinking more precisely and adding more personalization.

Refresh your audience targeting and appeal

Your audience wants to connect with companies that align with their values. As such, companies need to know their values ​​and talk about issues related to their values. And when an employee, owner or someone they partner with acts in a way that goes against these values, the response should be clear and swift. Ruth CarterGik law firm

Companies need to know their values ​​and talk about related issues, says @rbcarter via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

With a possible recession looming, many marketers may face belt-tightening, which can sometimes lead to accidents Booth for teams to cut advertising or testing expenses. Instead of tightening your belts across the board, it's more important than ever to reexamine your understanding of your key audiences, make sure you're duplicating content specifically for them, and creating shorter content for them. Whether it's giving daily tips via SMS or creating TikTok videos Educative, short and punchy content – and really demonstrates relevance – will keep the most local customers engaged. Zontee Houconvince and bet

Instead of tightening your belt, refresh your understanding of your key audience, and stick to actionable #short-format content for them, says @ZonteeHou via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

The #1 content marketing prediction for 2023 will be that marketing—and the world at large—will be so saturated with machine-generated content that only those marketers who have built strong communities and brands will thrive. Otherwise, the noise will be so deafening that your audience won't hear you. Christopher PennTrust Insights

Marketing will be so saturated with machine-generated content that only those who have built strong communities and brands will thrive, says @cspenn via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

If your audience isn't already an ambassador for your brand, get on it! You might want to tap into a younger, sharper generation of customers who don't even have spendable income yet, like Generation Alpha. Create a relationship and turn them into brand ambassadors by contacting them through the right channels and addressing their needs. It won't lead to immediate sales, but it will bring you a lot in the near future! Tim HanceCrossphase

Build brand relationships with younger generations of customers and turn them into ambassadors, says Tim Hance via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Content marketers are hit by trends in all sorts of areas: formats (more interactive and short!), community building (NFTs!), technology and data (more AI!). There is a lot to catch up on.

But as always, the foundation is what matters. Companies trying to jump on the latest trends without a strong audience-focused content strategy or Efficient and coordinated processes They will simply find themselves with more work and no results. And not every trend is suitable for every audience! The audience first, always – the rest will follow! Ali Orlando WorthQlik

Jumping on trends without an audience-focused content strategy or efficient processes will only result in more work, not better results, says @AliOrlandoWert via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Content marketers should prepare for 2023 by empowering community members through digital ownership. They should prepare for this by becoming familiar with digital tokens and NFTs and understanding the core of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Brian FanzoiSocialFanz

Prepare for 2023 by learning about digital tokens, NFTs, blockchains and cryptocurrencies, says @iSocialFanz via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

After dealing with the devastation of recent years, people are more intent on spending time in fulfilling and meaningful ways. This is an opportunity for content marketers to articulate the larger purpose of the experience, good or service and align it with the audience's current mindset.

More than ever, we will need to tell stories that communicate our organization's values ​​in terms of the types of stories, the way we tell them, and the voices we highlight. To prepare for this, content marketers must connect Audience research To find out what their audience feels strongly about, examine their organization to deeply understand what it stands for, and create content that hits that sweet spot in the overlap between the two. It's time to take bold stances. Annie GrantsteinMarriott International

Communicate your organization's values ​​through the types of stories, how you tell them, and the voices you highlight, says @anniegranat via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Next year, we'll see more businesses learn the importance of building an addressable audience—one they can connect with without friction or middlemen. The future of sales is in serving the community you sell to. Arguably, the past was too. And it can be argued that brands that started years ago will have a start. But the next best time to start is today. Andrew HenleyRevmade

Learn the importance of building a relatable audience so you can connect without friction or middlemen says @hanelly via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

The year 2023 will mark the resurgence of office work, meaning our audiences will once again evolve in how and where they interact with content. Many of the behavioral changes we have experienced since 2020 may slowly disappear. Track your audiences to evolve your content development and distribution strategy with them. Timur IdanJabil

2023 will mark the resurgence of office work, meaning our audiences will have to evolve how and where they interact with #content, says Timur Aydin of @Jabil via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

With a tightening economy, marketers need to be ready to tell impactful stories with data. Show your customers how your product or service drives efficiency and reduces costs. For your leadership team, show how you build content marketing programs that drive ROI by attracting and retaining the right customers. Penny GarlewskiDataRobot

With a tightening economy, marketers need to be ready to tell impactful stories with data, says @VirtualPenny via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Content marketers need to prepare for drastic changes in the content they create and deliver to consumers. First, marketers will have to dive deeper into them data and their community development. Ownership of the data and its consumer base will become more important, especially when looking at what Google is doing with third-party cookies, which will require advertisers to readjust their processes and goals.

In addition, with the expansion of the creative economy into 2023, User Generated Content will become much more valuable, and marketers will have to adapt to delivering content through different mediums.

Finally, marketers will have to adapt to limited resources, meaning they will have to extract even more value from each asset created before developing a new set of them. Brian Kavanaughring binder

UGC will become much more valuable, and marketers will have to adapt to delivering content through different mediums, says @btkav via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

The most significant trends for websites are future proofing their organic traffic for the latest version of Google Update helpful content and make their content more inclusive. Steps to be taken:

  • Write to users, not machines: The days of in-game SEO with gimmicks like long lists that offer no practical real-world advice are over. Be authentic!
  • Written with intent: Make sure you have a target audience, and always ask if the information you provide is helpful to readers.
  • Write original content: Don't buy into what others say – always consider your brand's unique POV by creating 10x content.
  • of the: People want to be represented culturally, and we will see that in the content as well. Unless your buyer persona is a specific demographic, be all inclusive in your content, messaging, branding and overall marketing.
  • Storytelling: Storytelling is no longer limited to creative writing. It should reflect the action a user can take from any particular story. The content needs to resonate with the user's pain points more than ever.

Jean Bartfront page strategy

The most significant trends for websites are protecting their organic traffic for @Google's latest beneficial content update and making their content more inclusive, says Jana Barrett of @__FirstPage via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Follow TikTok's trend leadership

TikTok's “For You” approach is taking over the world. Content disclosure Appears on every platform – social and search. We need to create content that our audience doesn't know they need but will find interesting enough to click on.

It's a huge opportunity to reach new audiences, but it's a creative challenge to develop things that will recommend to users this way. We need to push ourselves to deliver interesting and relevant content to our target audiences more than ever. I think this will force many brands to push the boundaries of brand voice and develop more personality in their content. Amanda TodorovicCleveland Clinic

We need to create content that our audiences don't know they need but will find interesting enough to click on, says @amandatodo via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

It hurts me as a video producer (tear ), but content marketers should be ready to create more DIY videos. From TikTok to Instagram to Facebook, we're going to continue to see more and more short social media Videos. Work on those video skills. Tony NutT60 productions

We are going to continue to see more and more short form #SocialMedia #videos. Work on those video skills, says Tony Ganau of @t60productions via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

In 2023, marketers will need to get the point across quickly. With so much content on offer, users are likely to become content blind or simply scroll to the next thing. While this trend is already seen in TikTok and YouTube shorts, I see it spreading to other forms of content. Sharona is happyCodeFuel, a Perion company

Marketers will need to get the point across quickly. This trend is already visible in @TikTok and @YouTube shorts, but it will spread to other forms of content, says @sharonam via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Find a new striking approach

The memes are going to reign supreme. As more and more average (let's be honest, below average) content makes its way to TikTok and Reels, the novelty will wear off. Something that remains consistent? good meme Jump on trends and open your own Brand voice To create your own shareable content. Carly FerrisKimpton Hotels & Restaurants

The memes are going to reign supreme. Jump on trends and develop your brand voice to create your own shareable content, says @yokarlee via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

There will be a growing realization that “more, more, more” is not the answer, and the focus should be on doing more with less. Marketers will invest more time and resources in creating fewer – but very high quality, differentiated pieces of content – with video at the heart and a solid targeting and distribution plan. Amy Woods10x content

Marketers will spend more time and resources creating fewer pieces of content – but very high quality and distinct – with video at the heart, says @content10x via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Continued evolution of Interactive content is the trend that stands out for me in 2023. Interactive content offers two-way engagement and attracts attention. It also often has a high reuse factor that simple static content cannot provide. As a result repeat visitors get real use from your site. It also opens up possibilities for brands to derive more value and engagement from existing content. Start by thinking of your own part Best performing content and how it can be reimagined in an interactive environment. Brendan McGinley256

Interactive content is a trend that stands out for me. Think how best-performing content can be reimagined in an interactive environment, says @BrenMcGinley via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

As marketers, we are being asked to do more with less now. So, my main prediction for 2023 is that content marketing will become even more realistic. Less produced. less polished. less expensive. Less scripted. With more brands harnessing the power of content that already exists – leveraging this rich content from employees and loyal fans and curates much more than creating expensive advertisements. Jennifer Harmonconvince and bet

#ContentMarketing is about to get even more real. Less produced. less polished. less expensive. Less scripted, says Jennifer Harmon of @convince via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Savvy marketers will focus on creating compelling content that stands the test of time, succinctly solves their customers' problems, and makes the most of their marketing budgets. Long gone are the days of producing one-off, ineffective, mass-volume content. Instead, in 2023 they will focus on producing truly useful content that delivers ROI. Paula Connor256

In 2023, marketers will focus on producing truly useful #content that delivers ROI, says @paularoi via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Audiences will have less time to engage with brands, meaning a “mix” of content – where content in almost every category looks the same – will be a major focus for 2023. Advanced content marketers will advance by focusing on content differentiation (not differentiation). Instead of looking for new topics to cover, they will offer unique perspectives on desktop conversations, giving themselves a competitive edge. Leo PamIndustry Dive

Advanced #content marketers will advance by focusing on content differentiation (not differentiation), says @lieuthi via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Dominate with wise distribution

Marketers run to TikTok. It makes sense – there isn't a better content discovery algorithm in the business. Sometimes it only takes one short video to go viral. the problem? TikTok is owned by a Chinese company, ByteDance. In 2023, I see US/China relations continuing to intensify, leading to the possibility that TikTok will be banned in the United States. China currently bans all social networks in the US. The US will follow suit in the name of national security. My advice: Be careful not to put too many resources into TikTok. Joe Polizzithe bias

Beware of putting too many resources into @TikTok, says @JoePulizzi via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

With the economic downturn, an ongoing bubble of digital noise, and the fragmentation of media ecosystems, content marketers need to prioritize owning their audience. It means strengthening theirs Email marketing programs and work hard to build their email lists. This will not only lower marketing costs, but it will help build lasting trust and loyalty. Inbar YegurLusha

Content marketers should prioritize owning their audience by strengthening email marketing programs and building lists, says @content_fairy via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

I see a steady increase in the use of personalization platforms to deliver targeted B2B content in real time. Marketers must learn the tools available and what happens next, make plans to change their processes accordingly, and learn how B2B e-commerce has already gone down this path. B2B buyers increasingly expect customized product mix and pricing. The same is going to take hold in B2B content delivery. Michael SeedMSMC

I see a steady increase in the use of personalization platforms to deliver targeted B2B content in real time, says @michaelsemer via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Look for a fundamental change in the content algorithms. We are moving away from a social graph (think Facebook) to an interest graph (think TikTok). We're moving away from the people we know (and what they create/follow) to a world of content distribution driven by the individual's interest, which will be adjusted based on dwell time, likes, comments and engagement. Mitch JoelThinkersOne

Look for a fundamental change in #content algorithms. We're moving away from a social graph (think Facebook) to an interest graph (think TikTok), says @mitchjoel via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Keep your eyes on high level trends

I spy, in my little eye, a pair of 2023 trends affecting our industry:

  1. Forget the funnel: Marketers need to start letting go of the traditional funnel model. (Slander to some, I know!) User behavior doesn't really work that way these days. The consumer journey is less step-oriented and more random/sporadic (thanks to social).
  2. Measurement Chaos: Too many data points, some rendered useless / too much time to chew. The internal organizational silo effect leads to competing priorities and therefore to some conflicting analyses. Make sure the insights we gather are actionable and meaningful to the business.

Garriott fluteJames Madison University

Marketers need to let go of the traditional funnel model. The consumer journey is less stage-directed, and more random/sporadic now, says @khalilgarriott via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

My content marketing predictions for 2023 are:

  1. Generation Z will continue to flock to TikTok in 2023. If they are your target audience, you should be there.
  2. The rise of short videos will continue into the new year (TikToks, Instagram Reels and more), so you need a creative strategy.
  3. Community is everything. If you don't have a community, you have nothing. You should start building one today!
  4. Authentic storytelling is how you're going to stand out in a crowd and stop scrolling.
  5. Web3, AR, VR, Metaverse, NFTs … start observing and strategizing.

Jennifer Watsonan expert in global marketing and social media

Community is everything. If you don't have a community, you have nothing. You should start building one today, says @JWatson_Wx via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

The trend within content marketing is that there is no trend. It's a step back. This is slow content marketing. Companies and organizations are finally starting to think about what they've been doing for the last few years – all that “non-content”, social crap and crappy content.

In 2023, companies – forced by economic and social developments and the war on talent – will undergo self-examination. They will examine who they are, who they are for on earth, and with what mission to translate these results in a meaningful way to a clearly defined audience with relevant, useful and useful content. Because that's what content marketing is all about: building a loyal audience that trusts you through your platform, with social networks as a useful traffic generator. Color was removedthe brand journalist

Companies will reexamine what their mission is, then contribute those results to a clearly defined audience with relevant, useful and useful content, says @corhospes via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Move forward by going back to the basics

Shake this magic with 8 marketing balls, and you're sure to see trending topics like AI and Web3 and GA4 and TikTok. But for me, content marketing in 2023 will be about getting back to the basics of our craft – curiosity, creativity, camaraderie and community. Doing cool work with cool people. where the fun is. And (I hope) that's where the future lies. Carmen Hillchill content

2023 will be about getting back to the basics of our craft – curiosity, creativity, camaraderie and community, says @carmenhill via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

2023 will be a year of returning to the basics of content marketing. Paid ads and social media account for less than 10% of website traffic and leads or sales. What is the biggest and most effective source of marketing? Roy? Organic search and referral traffic generated by content marketing.

In times of economic uncertainty, brands are going to cut ineffective ad spend, stop messing around with TikToks and focus on being smarter with their marketing budgets. The fundamentals of content marketing—like SEO-driven planning, creative storytelling, consistency, and measuring ROI—will once again become hot topics. Michael BrennerMarketing Insider Group

Brands will cut ineffective ad spend, stop messing with @TikTok and focus on being smarter with their marketing budget, says @BrennerMichael via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

2023 will be the year of going back to basics. Marketers will need to focus on what has the highest ROI for audience engagement. Audiences will no longer look for the big, shiny objects that grab their attention quickly, but may lose them in the long run.

Instead, marketers will see a higher ROI on old “school” efforts like newsletters, organic SEO, and educational classes that help their audience continually learn new skills and keep up with what's new in their field. Amy HigginsdA strategic content marketing leader obsessed with ata

Marketers will see a higher ROI on content that helps their audience continually learn new skills and stay current on what's new in their field, says @amywhiggins via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

Realign your funnels and merge your functions

With layoffs and employee freezes, the silos between content creators in marketing, customer support, and technical documentation teams will blur. Assignments for pre-sales and post-sales content will be merged. Marketers will write content articles and knowledge articles, and technical writers will write blog posts and website copy.

This silly trend happened – as it should – with small companies. But large companies will accelerate this change because of its economic efficiency. subject matter expertise of technologies will become currency for content creators, not audiences. To prepare, marketers should:

  1. Explore the depth of the technologies they write about.
  2. Get technical certifications to better understand the technologies they support.
  3. Partner with content teams beyond marketing to learn the tools and processes that serve the channels that marketers will soon serve.

Gavin Austinsales force

With layoffs and employee freezes, the silos between content creators in marketing, customer support and technical documentation teams will blur, says @GavinAustinSays via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

I believe that the fields of marketing and technology will merge, and bring to life the Martech concept. Practically speaking, we will see more developers, data scientists, database specialists and other IT professionals be part of marketing teams. Therefore, as marketers, we must be “fluent” in data and technology. – Cassius Politi, tractate

We're going to see more developers, data scientists, database specialists and other IT professionals join marketing teams, says Cassio Politi via @CMIContent. Click to tweet

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Cover image by Yosef Kalinovsky/Content Marketing Institute

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