4 Ways CRM Can Improve Your Small Business | Easy Affiliate

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4 Ways CRM Can Improve Your Small Business |  Easy Affiliate

Arguably the most important aspect of business growth is customer acquisition and retention. However, organizing coherent, systematic outreach efforts can be difficult. As a business owner, you’re probably being pulled in a hundred different directions, so how could you conductive wires and keep in touch with past clients at the same time?

This is where a customer relationship management (CRM) tool can come in handy. CRMs make it easy to maintain consistent and intentional interactions and get results. Despite the name, CRMs can handle much more than customer relationships.

In this article, we explain how CRMs work. Here are four ways CRM can improve your small business. Let’s get to it!

Introduction to CRMs

As the name suggests, CRM software helps you manage customer relationships. It usually does this by tracking customer information and cross-platform communications. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Availability
  • A record of each customer in the marketing funnel
  • Customer service history

However, CRM does more than just track and organize leads. More sophisticated tools can track your sales force, business partners, and more. HubSpot offers a free CRMand one of the most effective options:

The Hubspot CRM

In addition, a quality CRM can help you develop a strategy to fill gaps in your business model. For example, it can help you identify customer trends and quickly respond to pain points.

The goal of every CRM is to optimize customer engagement and improve bottom line. If you’re not using a CRM to support your business workflows, you’re likely missing out on additional profits.

Now that you know how a CRM works and why you should use one, you probably need more details. Let’s look at four specific ways CRM can improve your business.

1. Streamline your sales interactions

If you’re a small business owner, you probably run a compact team and a tight ship. With minimal staff and resources, this can mean that potential customers (or even repeat customers) slip through the cracks more easily. sales funnel.

CRM can take care of the sales process from lead generation to conversion. From email registration templates to accounting support, you can consolidate all your customer management needs in one place.

With a CRM system, you can usually enjoy a complete overview of your sales process through a user-friendly dashboard:

Hubspot's dashboard

Optimizing your sales process can help you improve your online reputation, the overall user experience (UX) you offer, and sales. Additionally, many CRMs prioritize customer interactions at strategic intervals and based on the customer’s propensity to buy. These targeted marketing efforts typically more efficient.

2. Maximize your email campaigns

Another way CRM can improve your online business is by helping you create the successful email marketing campaign. This may include promotional emails, order confirmation emails, status updates, etc.

While some entrepreneurs underestimate the the power of email, the statistics don’t lie. With global email marketing expected revenue in 2022 reaches 10 billion dollarsyou would be wise to avoid ignoring this channel.

Across email segmentationCRM can reach customers at the right moment:

Everlane Promotional Email

They can even prevent your e-mails from being blocked with nuanced monitoring it gets stuck in spam. What’s more, CRMs commonly use it email automation in order to maximize their effectiveness. Thus, going beyond the usual confirmation e-mails, you can include personalized product offers, thank-you e-mails, etc. can send

3. Track your affiliate marketing efforts

Leverage affiliate marketing it will probably benefit any of you small e-commerce business. A successful one Affiliate program can help you get new leads and drive traffic to your website with a small investment.

This is because affiliates do the marketing for you and only get paid when they convert customers or leads. However, in order to see results, you will likely need a complex system and a decent amount of affiliates to promote your products.

Associated post on Instagram

The good news is that you can use affiliate management software such as Easy Affiliate track yours affiliate linksmonitor your conversions and process commissions.

Easy Affiliate can be integrated GetResponse, an all-in-one marketing software that doubles as a CRM. If you use these tools in parallel, you you can increase your conversions and creates the passive income.

4. Improve your customer service processes

Few things are more important than that the customer journey. A key part of this experience is customer service.

In the digital age, consumers don’t want to feel like just another number—or worse, talking around a chatbot. Fortunately, many CRMs can be integrated with useful customer service software:

Pipedrive CRM with Zendesk integration

For example the Pipedrive CRM integrates with Zendesk Customer Service surface. This seamless synchronization allows you to align your sales and support efforts.

By consolidating all customer interactions and using a tagging system, you can manage your customer service tickets more efficiently and get more sales. With Pipe driveyou can even assign specific team members to customer cases, so that each individual problem is handled by the most competent person.

How to choose a CRM

There are plenty of reliable CRMs out there. Therefore, the question may arise, how to decide among the many options. When looking for the perfect CRM for your business, there are a few important factors to consider.

First, you should have an idea of ​​your budget and the range of your needs. Some CRMs are quite extensive and offer hundreds of integrations or in-house tools. Others have a certain ingredient that makes them stand out.

For example, Gleam’s CRM focuses on customer retention and growth. It also allows you to easily create a reward system for your customers. Therefore, if you want to create a loyalty program, this could be a good choice for you.

You should also check if your CRM is compatible with your existing software and WordPress plugins. Auditing your current systems is a great way to get a sense of what’s missing and what’s sufficient. However, you can also cross-reference any integration list when purchasing your new CRM.

Finally, once you’ve chosen the CRM that best suits your needs, be sure to choose the plan that’s right for you. If you’re running a small e-commerce company, you probably don’t need a bigger plan. In fact, it’s best to start small and expand over time to suit your needs and budget.


Aligning sales and marketing efforts can easily become time-consuming and disorganized. This can eat into your profit margins and stunt your company’s growth. Instead of juggling multiple tasks across different platforms, you can move these processes into your CRM.

In summary, here are four ways CRM can improve your small business. It can:

  1. Simplifying sales interactions.
  2. To automate email marketing campaigns.
  3. Track your affiliate marketing.
  4. Improving customer service.

What do you think is the most impressive benefit of CRM? Let us know in the comments section below!

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