4 Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Your Website’s SEO | Easy Affiliate

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4 Quick and Easy Ways to Improve Your Website’s SEO |  Easy Affiliate

It may seem like a search engine optimization (SEO) The tactics you can implement on your small business website are endless. Because of this, getting started with search engine optimization can seem overwhelming. A strategic approach when deciding which methods to use is critical.

By honing in on the most important methods, launching an SEO strategy can be much more manageable. By focusing on the basics like quality content and a solid keyword strategy, you can drastically improve your website’s search engine rankings.

In this post, we’ll explain why SEO is vital to the success of your small business. Next, we’ll look at four SEO hacks and give you tips on how to implement them. Let’s dive in!

Why is SEO crucial to the success of your online business?

in a nutshell, SEO the process of deliberately improving a website to improve its visibility in search engines such as Google. With so many websites to compete with, it has become an essential part of any online business strategy. In fact, 61% of marketers they say that improving SEO is their top priority.

So you may be wondering how to get your website to the top of the search engine results page (SERP). Your site’s ranking is largely determined by a number of factors, including but not limited to:

  • Keywords and keyword placement. These are highly searched words in your niche or by your target audience. Keywords should appear strategically in all content such as articles, titles, URLs, meta tags, image file names, and more.
  • Website performance. This refers to how quickly your content and pages load. Visitors leave websites due to slow loading times. Therefore, you can be sure that your website is beautiful and fast.
  • User Experience (UX). This describes how website visitors experience your pages and posts. This includes usability, navigation and more.

A strong SEO strategy can help increase brand awareness, click-through rates (CTR), and even sales. What’s more, SEO best practices can be particularly beneficial affiliate websiteswhich need high organic traffic to maximize commissions.

There are many SEO strategies you can choose from, but choosing the most effective tactic can help you get your e-commerce company up and running faster. With that in mind, here are four SEO hacks to consider!

1. Providing top-notch content

Production quality content on your website one of the best ways to improve your SEO. Excellent content provides a better user experience and can therefore increase CTR. Plus, the better your pages are, the easier it is search bot evaluate and rank them.

With this in mind, it is best to focus on creating exceptional blog posts, videos and images. In this way, you can establish your credibility and authority in your niche.

To consistently produce quality content, we recommend using a content calendar such as No content obsession To strive:

Strive is a content calendar tool

Create exceptional content on a regular basis can help increase traffic organically, thus communicating with search engines that your content is useful. On the flip side, sporadic posting can result in an unreliable image. The good news is that a little planning can go a long way.

2. Optimization for keywords

Keywords an important aspect of SEO – they tell search engines how relevant your site is to a particular search. As a result, they help users find content.

You can discover useful keywords using tools such as Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner:

Google keyword planner with keyword search

It is best to choose highly searched keywords with low competition. They should also be relevant to your niche, product or service. Long tail keywords can also be quite effective.

Also, you should place these keywords in important areas of your website, such as titles, meta tags, and image file names. If you run an affiliate site, you can try to generate automatic affiliate links based on your chosen keywords Easy Affiliate plugin.

All in all, optimizing the keywords on your website is an ongoing process of trial and error. However, just getting started will get you on your way to improving your website’s SEO.

3. Increase the number of links to your website

Simply put, backlinks links on other websites that lead you there back to yours. This happens when another website owner believes that one of your pages is relevant enough to place a link in their content.

Backlinks are important because they help you grow your audience and establish your authority. They improve SEO by telling search engines that your site is valuable and accurate.

There are several things you can do to increase your backlinks. One simple way is writing guest posts on other sites in your niche.

Of course, you can also link to your own website in the posts you create. To find collaborators, you can simply search for relevant blogs in your field and contact the website owner or blog author to offer your time and services.

It is also worth trying backlinking tools, such as Semrush:

Use Semrush to improve your website's SEO

Semrush offers sophisticated backlink analysis to help you audit backlinks and find organic opportunities to build them.

Finally, it’s worth trying to be active forums in your niche. Regularly posting to forums within your target industry can strengthen your credibility and broaden your reach while building backlinks to your website.

4. Enable adaptive design

More than half of web traffic comes from mobile devices. Why is this important for SEO? When Google crawls pages, it also checks for mobile usability. This means that a mobile-friendly design is essential to increase traffic to your business website:

Frank and Oak mobile-responsive homepage

If your website is not mobile friendly, it can result in a poor user experience you may lose visitors. You can enable mobile design by selecting aa mobile friendly theme or added design features which support additional devices.

We recommend that you pay special attention to menus and other navigation when you do this, as they may break if they are not optimized for mobile devices. Also, it would be wise to ensure that the payment process is seamless for mobile users as well.


With so many options out there, all things SEO can be intimidating. However, developing a simple SEO strategy can help maximize traffic your site and increase your conversions organically.

In summary, here are four SEO hacks you can use to grow your small ecommerce business:

  1. Creating high-quality content.
  2. Choose highly searched, relevant keywords and place them strategically.
  3. Increase your backlinks by guest blogging, participating in forums, and using marketing tools like Semrush.
  4. Make sure your website is mobile responsive.

Have questions about improving your website’s SEO? Let us know in the comments section below!

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