15 Preselling Ideas Before Product Launching

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By now, you have learned the 15 ideas on preselling your product from previous article Presell Launch Strategies – Preselling Ideas Before Product Launching (Part 1). Here are the more 15 ideas to presell your product to your target audience.

#16 Expert Endorsements

Show your target audience an expert endorsement of your product. You could line up a bunch of well known experts related to your industry or niche to beta test your product. Most of the time people will trust respected experts because they have a reputation to keep.

#17 Statistics Results

Give you prospects an idea of how many people have visited your product prelaunch site or signed up to the notification launch opt-in list. When people hear hundreds or thousands of other people want to possibly buy your product usually others will follow.

#18 Before And After

Reveal screen shots or pictures of the beta tester’s benefits before and after they tried your product. Sometimes people are in the same boat and want to be the person in the after result pictures. Also include a persuasive description with the visuals.

#19 No Show

Tell your readers that you are getting ready to release a new product soon but that’s all you can really say about it. You can tell them you have to keep it a secret for a certain reason or you have to keep it away from your competitors. It will really strike people’s interest.

#20 Beneficial Statistics

Give your prospects some proof of the benefits that you received from using your product. For example if it was a financial or money making product you could show screen shots of pay checks, merchant accounts, bank accounts, stacks of money, things you’ve bought, etc.

#21 Process Videos

Show your target audience a video of the easy or fast process people will go through to get the benefits from your product. It could be a time line, a step by step chart, a numbered process, etc. People will feel less overwhelmed that they won’t be able to benefit.

#22 Stimulate Imagination

Show your prospects pictures or videos of the life they could live by deciding to invest in your product. For example, if your prospect was a weight loss product you could show thin, happy people at the beach that are wearing bathing suits and are proud of their body.

#23 Past Results

Give your readers an idea of how fast your last couple of product launches have sold out. You could reveal the short time it took you to sell a lot products. Of course you just included some proof of it happening. People will know that they better make a quick decision.

#24 Hyped Up

Tell your target audience just how good your product is and it will be a huge launch. Just having confidence and showing excitement in your product can easily presell your product. You could say things like it will sell out fast, be sure to mark your calender, etc.

#25 Media Stories

Show people stories that are currently in the media that support the need for your upcoming product. It could be from newspapers, TV news, online news sources, etc. People usually trust well known and respected media sources because they are already branded.

#26 Working Demo

Give your prospects a working demo of your product. If they get results from it they will buy the full version to get all the results. Demos usually work good for software related products. Or you could give full working copies and allow them to use it for so many days.

#27 Story Preselling

Tell your prospects an entertaining story that will presell them. When people are entertained they are usually in a good mood to take your advice. You just need the entertaining story to relate to your product and persuade them to purchase it.

#28 Contest Involvement

Give people a chance to help prelaunch your product by actually getting involved in creating it. You could hold a contest to name the product, pick the bonuses, write a chapter in it, etc. The more involved they are the more likely they will buy it.

#29 Informational Articles

Show people a series of informative articles regularly over a certain period of time leading up to your product launch. The articles just need to support the product. You could even turn the articles into to lessons that have assignments to get them motivated to buy.

#30 First Chance

Reveal to your prospect that if they sign up to your launch list they will be one of the first to do something for your launch. It could be to sign up to the affiliate program to promote it, buy it before if gets sold out, get it at a discount, etc.


Please don’t take these preselling strategies lightly. Many businesses make the mistake of skipping the whole preselling process and wonder later on why their product didn’t sell that well.

The best thing to do is test a few of these preselling ideas either together or separately and discover the ones that convert the most sales. And don’t forget, you can also create preselling tools for your affiliates to increase your sales even more.